Lots to report today. Go get your coffee and meet me back here in 5.
Alright, glad you made it. I have some fantastic news. Actually a few fantastic things to share.
1. I'm getting a new niece, from China, How cool is that? I have the shopping urge something HUGE, but can't justify it since we (meaning my sis) don't know what size of clothing she's wearing. As soon as I get the word pray for me and for the thrift store. There's nothing better than shopping for little girls!! Oh, and I know her name. Ms. Ella Beth Crawford. Awww......that makes her double cute already. Maybe I'll go swipe her pic off Sis's blog for you. Hold one.

See, I wasn't kidding! She's too cute. Makes my uterus ache. I want another. Well I wanted another. Now I'm content to live my dreams through my Sis. :)
On to the big news of the day. The Boy, MY BOY! is nearly potty trained. Yeah I know that might not be big news to you. In fact you might giggle or roll your eyes. Before you do that remember that he has a "diagnoses" and that he was absolutely petrified of the toilet before we went dairy free. Now you have a glimpse of how over joyed we are that he's decided that it's alright and that there is nothing to be afraid of. He also is more confident in public, he says "Hey! Who's that guy?" when he sees someone new now instead of trembling and staring at his feet. It's amazing, and we are so encouraged that we are on the right track. YEA BOY!!! GREAT JOB!!
In other news.....I resisted the urge to crawl in bed after the bus left this morning. Last time I sat on the bed to watch the Today Show I woke up 15 minutes before the boys bus got here. Yikes! That was a 3 hour nap! I compromised with myself and instead of getting in bed and the alternative of getting dressed and makeup on, I ran my errands in my sweats and crocks, make up free. Yep, I did it and it was so nice!!
Hope y'all have a great Monday!!