Thursday, January 31, 2008

Puppy Playdate

Cajun, meet the peeps.

Peeps, meet Cajun.

Ain't he cute? He is the Aussie for Hub who came for a playdate today. Unfortunately he's not old enough to stay yet, but in 2 weeks or so he's ours.

So he came over for an hour and a half, pooped and peed on the floor, cuddled and met the cats. After all that he fell fast asleep in my arms....and at that moment....

He had to go back home.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Man O' Man!

Bye Bye Heath.

Poo woes

Please help me figure out how to get my boy to poo in the toilet. Please help me figure out what to say/do before he explodes. That would suck, bad.

And by explode, I mean literally. explode.

As in crap all over the walls, etc. Explode.

Happy visual! :)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Busy Busy as always

Hi there.

I have fantastic news today.

Yesterday I rode my horse for the first time. My wild horse, people...I rode him, and it was fantastic! I was on top of the world, and I am so stoked for being so close to hitting the trails with him! He's my best horsey pal, and I love him a lot. So much so in fact that he has his own blog. You should check it out.

Also in other news. This. Everyone on cue now....awwww.

Hope all is as good for you as it is for me right now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hard labor

Last Sunday was B-E-A-utiful! The sun was out and it was rather warm! When better to go out and shovel horse poo?

Unfortunately being a member of this family, you must pull your weight, even if you are only 3.

(Pic above is not poo. Just the masses of mud that lives here too. )

Or 34 , in the other case.

As much as we complain about the work involved with having horses, I LOVE being out there and doing chores. Especially when it's all of us out together.

**He's looking right at the camera AND smiling. Told ya the diet works!!**

My dreams of a ranch, lots of chores and lots of kids are obviously not possible anymore, but on a much smaller scale, this is perfect.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Good News

Lots to report today. Go get your coffee and meet me back here in 5.

Alright, glad you made it. I have some fantastic news. Actually a few fantastic things to share.

1. I'm getting a new niece, from China, How cool is that? I have the shopping urge something HUGE, but can't justify it since we (meaning my sis) don't know what size of clothing she's wearing. As soon as I get the word pray for me and for the thrift store. There's nothing better than shopping for little girls!! Oh, and I know her name. Ms. Ella Beth Crawford. Awww......that makes her double cute already. Maybe I'll go swipe her pic off Sis's blog for you. Hold one.
See, I wasn't kidding! She's too cute. Makes my uterus ache. I want another. Well I wanted another. Now I'm content to live my dreams through my Sis. :)

On to the big news of the day. The Boy, MY BOY! is nearly potty trained. Yeah I know that might not be big news to you. In fact you might giggle or roll your eyes. Before you do that remember that he has a "diagnoses" and that he was absolutely petrified of the toilet before we went dairy free. Now you have a glimpse of how over joyed we are that he's decided that it's alright and that there is nothing to be afraid of. He also is more confident in public, he says "Hey! Who's that guy?" when he sees someone new now instead of trembling and staring at his feet. It's amazing, and we are so encouraged that we are on the right track. YEA BOY!!! GREAT JOB!!

In other news.....I resisted the urge to crawl in bed after the bus left this morning. Last time I sat on the bed to watch the Today Show I woke up 15 minutes before the boys bus got here. Yikes! That was a 3 hour nap! I compromised with myself and instead of getting in bed and the alternative of getting dressed and makeup on, I ran my errands in my sweats and crocks, make up free. Yep, I did it and it was so nice!!

Hope y'all have a great Monday!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Maybe it's interesting, maybe it's not

Just stopping by to drop off some stuff on the blog. It might not be worth your time to read it, but here it is anyhow.

  • Come tax return time I am donating my totally out of date wardrobe which consists of solid colored tees and jeans to a thrift store. I'll be replacing it with 21st century fashions including pants which are not denim and shirts with some sort of "flair". Maybe I'll go with some stripes....maybe not. What's in anyway?
  • We had the flu over Christmas. That was God awful, as you can imagine. We passed it around the family once, twice for my son. Oh, by the way, we have learned he's on the spectrum, as in the Autistic Spectrum. Lots to learn in between visits to the....well you get it I'm sure.
  • So yeah, he's very mildly autistic. PDD NOS to be specific. We are going Dairy free, which is the first step in a new diet that is very highly recommended by Moms in my shoes. After a month or so of non dairy, progress will be noted and we will be eliminating wheat also. Pray that we get a good enough change with Dairy cause I really love my bread!
  • I think I'm supporting Ron Paul for prez. None of the dems are doing it for me so far. I thought I'd like Hilary, but turns out not so much. Ron's got some interesting stuff/views on his site. But that 's all I'm gonna say about that. Well except that I'd be voting Republican. God, please let him be a 3rd party candidate so I don't gag after casting my vote.
In between me and the kids and Hub being sick I was snapping pics like crazy. Here are few for you.

Grammy and the girl.

Grammy and the boy.
Santa hit the jackpot this year, a bike and a scooter!
Here is my Baby demanding food. Isn't he cute?
So there it is in all it's boring entirety. You asleep? Or maybe you clicked away long one can be sure.