Monday, April 23, 2007

Menu Plan Monday #2

Here we go again Peeps! I managed to *mostly* stick to the menu last week. Wonderful Hub pitched in when he was needed in the kitchen too! Thanks!

This weeks menu is as follows:

Monday: BLT's with couscous.
Tuesday: Spaghetti, salad and Texas Toast!
Wednesday: Chicken Viola! (My easy day!)
Thursday: Tuna casserole
Friday: Left overs
Saturday: Grilled Pork chops, mashed potatoes and corn.
Sunday: Mom's day off!

So there ya have it!

Just so you're not all worried about me......I have been being a bit crafty. I have been making some slow progress in my scrapbooks and in the wool rug I am working on. We have been super busy outside enjoying the weather and getting quite a bit of yard stuff done. It feels good to be out all day, but when I come in I am exhausted!! The inside of the house sure looks like it too! I'll have to spend some time inside soon to play catch up!!

Hope you are all having a Happy Monday!

Friday, April 20, 2007

My dog hates.....

The camera!

How hard can it be to get a good pic of this silly dog? Here's what I was able to get......

Jeez Jackson, I love ya but sit freaking still!! Oh well......

If Jax were to talk like Sue's dog, Happy, he would say "Oh S#&t! The camera! My least favorite!"

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Real men build things........'s a quick idea of what we have been up to the last few days. I'll go into more detail later~
*Building new play set!*

*The finished Play Set!!! YAY!!!*

*Unintentional hind end shot, sorry Hub!
Here's where my new garden will be!!*

Monday, April 16, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Where have I been you ask? Well don't ask.... It's been hugely stressful and I've promised myself that I am going to make 100% effort to get over it. Here I am, getting over it :)

Here is a new thing I've decided to try. Menu Plan Monday. I need to be more organized and budget minded. I thought this would be a great way to start, and also a great way to start a grocery list! If you'd like to join in please do. I'd love to see what is cooking in your kitchen!

Monday: Tacos with Spanish rice.
Tuesday: Chicken Pot Pie
Wednesday: Crock Pot Southwestern Pork. Recipe from Sue**
Thursday:Left overs
Friday: Grilled steaks with baked potatoes and salad. (weather permitting!)
Saturday: BLT's
Sunday: Hubby cooks!! ( hope you don't mind, dear!)

** Um, Sue? Would you mind re-emailing the South western pork recipe? I thought I still had it in my email, but I was sadly mistaken. Thanks so much!

On to other Junk. I had not picked up the hook in several weeks and my wool rug was starting to get offended. I decided "what the heck" and remembered that crocheting was what kept my little fingers busy and away from the cigs. I guess since that old habit has reared it's ugly head again I need pay more attention to crocheting!! The astronomical stress level hasn't helped in that department either.

Mental notes to self:
1. All I can be is the best me I can be.
2. Must make time to crochet.
3. Stress causes ulcers and mental breakdowns. We don't need to go there.
4. Keep looking forward.
5. Hug hubby. He deserves it!!