I'll admit it, I'm a Rookie in the Mommy taxi service department. Sure I've done the drop offs and pick ups before, no big deal. That all is going to change tomorrow....
Tomorrow is the daughters first day of Day Camp. I am very excited for her, I know that she will have a great time. I however, (deep breath) have to get up early to get both boy and girl ready to leave the house before 0730. For those who don't know my kiddos personally, they get the morning grumpies from me. We have been waking around 9ish lately. I am so in for it.......
To help, hopefully it will help, I am prepared. I have her lunch packed and her clothes picked out. I have all the required paperwork in my purse and my keys are located. I should pull out the toothpicks for my eyes.
Please pray that we get to the bus stop on time, if not it is about a 45 minute drive to the camp. The boy will have none of that, I can tell you that for sure. Just pray it all goes well.
True, it's not that big of a deal. I know I can handle it. I just dread early morning stuff. I loved the fact that the school bus stops in front of our house at 9:15. No worries there. This is all new.....
Anyway- enough of that nonsense.
I finally did it, I joined Crochetville. I also joined Village Swappers but can't figure out how the swapping works. (Help with that is appreciated) I love getting mail, and thought that swapping would be great. Plus, it will force me to be creative to send things out. I'm looking forward to it!
Ghesh- that's enough for tonight. I have some huge news to share tomorrow, or maybe Tuesday. Yep, it's huge- no fair calling before I post it Mom! Just sit on the edge of your chair and be patient.
If you email me your address....I will send you a postcard from Nebraska! I leave for there on Sat. lol, you haven't lived until you have recieved a postcard from good old Nah bra ski...(that is how I like to pronounce it) I'll be there for three weeks, I'll have plenty of time to write postcards.
Hi Christy! I hope everything went well with your children today. I´m not a morning person either, so you have my sympathies.
I love getting mail too- send me your address, and I´ll send you something from Buenos Aires.
You two are so thoughtful. I'll send my address to you both, make sure that I have a return address so that I can return the favor!!
Goodie, if you got to my site and click on my profile page my email address is on the right hand side. or you can always send it to askaster@yahoo.com I check that one but not as much as my AOL.
Carla, would you like a postcard from Nebraska too? Just send me your address. I love snail mail.
¡¡¡BIG NEWS!!!!!!! ????????? Yous gots to be fair and call me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where did you find the exchanges at? I'm interested!!
Hey Christy...I'm catching up on my blog reading after vacation...geesh, this is like work! (but fun) Can't wait to hear your BIG news!!!!!????
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