She took it to her room and started it (gasp, I know, talk to her Dad) A little bit later she came out wanting to tell us about this horse. It went something like this...
Girl: "That horse, sa.....la....lu"
Me: "What? Who?"
Girl:"You know, La...san..."
Girl:" Yeah, Lasagna....."
So for several months now, we have been talking about this horse that I thought was named Lasagna. Lasagna this and Lasagna that........
Flash forward to yesterday. Dreamer arrived from Netflix. My girl got all excited as we started the show. She's 6 so she doesn't really understand the theory behind not giving away the movie. I knew that she wins in the end, and I also knew every other detail before it happened.
The horses name in the beginning of the movie is Sona, and toward the middle of the movie they say that her full name is Sonador which means dreamer in spanish. I kept waiting all movie long for when they nic named her Lasagna. Surely this horse gets called Lasagna at some point....
I didn't have the heart to tell my girl. To us, that horse will be Lasagna, and I will chuckle a bit inside everytime we talk about her.

Too cute! When my son was little, he thought the song by Fiona Apple, Damn, I wish I was your lover was "Bam, the shovels of love". Haha! I never corrected him (why would I correct the D-word), it was kinda close, don't ya think?
(sorry about the d-word...)
LOL, that is the cutest story. I giggled all the way through it. I like the movie Dreamer too, but everyone knows I'm a sucker for a tear jerker....but I cry at Hallmark and long distance commercials...lol, sad but true.
Love this story. Copy and save it.
Hugs to my Sweetie Pie!
Very cute story!
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