First wasFailure to Launch, starring Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew
(need I say more?) These two worked wonders together in this movie. It is a very comical tale of a hired girlfriend, SJP, by the parents, Kathy Bates and Terry Bradshaw (they were super fab together also!) to get this over grown child out of the house. Through a series of twists and turns it ends up as a happy ending, of course! Great Flick, worth a top 5 in the queue at Netflix.

I stumbled upon this movie when nothing was on the tube, big thanks to HBO. I caught it about 45 minutes into it, so I missed a lot of building the story line. This made me miss my sister a TON, and inspired me to write a letter (Shh, it's a secret) There is nothing like the bond of sisters, and even as I sit here today and know that we were never close in distance or personalities, I am truly blessed to have her. And now I'm getting teary.......I'm such a weenie. We have just gotten over a lot, and now looking back, they were just bumps in the road.
Someone hand me a tissue.
Check it out. You must if you have a Sister. MUST, MUST, MUST!!
Oh the Details.....Go here to check them out.......
Whew. So there ya have it. Anyone up for a movie night?
I LOVED How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days with Matthew McConaughey. He was too funny. I'll have to watch Failure. Outta be good.
I also loved In Her Shoes. I read the book first. It was a little different but both book and movie were excellent. The grandmother was much better in the movie. Isn't Shirley MacLaine great?! I'm glad the movie gods were smiling down on you. :)
Good choices!! Failure to Launch...was that not funny or what?! I went with my parents and even my dad laughed through most of it! I LOVE MATTHEW! Hes great, How to Lose a Guy in 10 days...One of my favorites!
In her shoes, I have the book...Its really good, when you get here well have to have a movie weekend, and watch it. I heard its good. You have to read the book too.
Looks like the movie gods were smiling down on you, theres nothing worse than getting excited about a movie and then it bombs!
Love you!!
I don't watch too many movies but tend to more in the winter. I like the kind you posted tho...light romantic comedies and such. I'll have to remember these.
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