So it has been busy as a Southern kitchen at dinner time here in our house. I have SO much to fill you in on, but unfortunatly do not have a pic for everything. I will share them when I get them though! I can't remember exactly where I left you if I miss a few events I will catch up later. Grab some coffee and snacks, come back and enjoy the read.
Ya Back?

First, I believe, was a trip to the dentist for the girl. I am lucky, she has no fear of them. And good thing cause she left with 2 less teeth then she went in with. Her 2 bottom middle teeth were just hanging on by a thread and when they went to clean them they fell right out. I am glad they came out then when they could manage the little blood that was left behind. Even a smudge of pink sends her into panic. It was all handled very well and she was so excited to wait for the tooth fairy. She is getting so big, my girl. I can't believe she is almost 6.
Hum, next is the stress of the van fiasco. Way to much happened with that, and it was incredibaly stressful. I am so happy and relieved that the situation was remidied, and that I have angels in my life. The whole experience was definately a learning experience, and that's an understatement!
It's also Transition season for the Navy again. That whole process is hard to explain, but basically it is like going back to boot camp for all the enlisted people that made it to a certain rank. It's called Chief, and it's the largest rank jump in the Navy. It also involves the family, which is where I come in. Transition, formerly known as initation, is aprox 6 weeks of hell for the people going through it. It challenges every aspect of their abilities or "disabilities" and it tends to carry home and into the family. It's my job to be there for advice, provide support and guidance and an ear for cussing and screaming. It's stressful, and I am glad Rob made it through last year. I am also glad that I am in a position that I can help some one else make it through.
Lastly, ( I think) was a last minute, drop everything, idea to go 1 1/2 hours away to the family reunion that we had previously thought we couldn't make. I am SOOOO glad that we went. I just don't have words to explain it. I haven't seen these family members in eons, and I was truly welcomed there. Everyone was friendly, and WOW. I do wish that we could have stayed longer, but I am truly grateful that I was there for as long as we were!! It was a great time!
OOps....okay, that wasn't the last thing. The other day I got the sewing machine back out and made some gingerbread place mats to match my kitchen. They are great, if you don't mind me saying so, especially since we have been eating dinner at the table now instead of in front of the TV. Here's some pics.....

Alright, now I'm seriously thinking about Typepad or Wordpress. Can this seriously happen everytime I want to post a picture??? Stand by.....I'll try again later.
Oh, I want to see those pics...
Yes, pics, please!
p.s. early morning seems to work better for posting pics, i've found.
Upload you pictures first... then type to your hearts content. Glad to hear you went to the family reunion and had a great time... Cant wait to see what you made!! Have a great week!!
Nice placemats! and love those toothless grins from my Sweetie Pie!
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