Okay, I cheated. This one is not in my Fickr Badge yet. I still have quite a few photos to upload. Quite a few means way to many, as in 50ish.. maybe closer to 75. Who knows? I don't. I'm scared to know how far I am behind. The more pictures I take the farther behind I get in scrapbooking, and that is another post for another day. I have so many things to do.
I'm rambling, sorry.
Flickr Friday.
Clearly it's to small. I had to steal it from the actual online ordering over at Clark Color. (They do good work by the way- you should check em out) This picture is my current favorite of my son. As I have said before he is always on the go, and most of the pictures that I snap come out with a big blur instead of a cute pose like this one.
On this day it was abnormally warm outside, perfect for a sneak trip to the park. Sneak trip because even though his Sis was in school, we are not allowed to do anything that she is not included in. (Stand by for the One eyed Green monster post) So- Where was I?
Ah yes, at the park on a sunny day with camera in hand. Perfect. This boy LOVES the park! He has no fears of anything park related. He interacts with all the children there, which is amazing. Lets just say that he HATES strangers. He has a super stranger scream too, thats a good thing. I've referred to this problem before when I've tried to get his photos professionally taken. It's a mess.
Good golly, stay on the subject Christy.
Lets just leave it at the fact that this was a great day at the park, and I have a great picture to show for it. Now that it's too cold, it will have to tide me over til Spring and the park thaws back out!
Way too cute!, of course!
Aww! What a cute kid!
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