Meet Faith (soon to be renamed)

Faith is a 20 year old Arabian Mare who is, possibly, coming to live with us next month. Her current owner has her pastured in a field of mud with no shelter and finally realized that she isn't doing her justice.
Therefore, we are, possibly, bringing her to the stable where the gal takes lessons. She can be our horse to shower all of our love and attention on, and the gal can ride her providing she is indeed a great beginner horse.
So that's what I have been up to. Trying to arrange Stables and budget costs plus attempt to plan for the unknown expense. I hope that the transition is smooth, both for us and Faith. She needs a good restart!
I mentioned above that her name will change and that is for several reasons. First is that there is already a horse at the barn named Faith, and frankly, I don't like the name at all. I like more old fashioned names like Rose or Betsy....something like that. Do you have any suggestions? Maybe I'll hold a poll once the adoption is official. How bout that? Winner can get some yarn and stuff as a gift.
To go along with Faiths story, I found out that Hubs ship (which he is not on yet) left yesterday and that it is officially part of the Surge to Iraq. What does that mean you ask? Word is that they will be deployed til the first part of next year. Please understand that I am not complaining. My hub will be in the middle of the ocean on a huge ship. I can not tell you how thankful I am not to be an Army or Marine wife. I respect them so much, I know that I could not do it. no way! But never the less he will be gone a good long time in a child's eye and this horse could prove to be a good distraction and maybe, fill in some holes. I know that I loved to just be in the barn when I was sad as a kid. Nothing like the feeling of a horse hug or the look in their eye like they understand. It's very therapeutic!
I'll let you know the moment it's official!
Hi Christy!
I´m spending the whole month January at the beach -summer holidays here- that´s why I´m not visiting so often as usual here!
What a pretty horse! Is that an appropriate term, pretty? I hope the horse arrangement works out for you and your girl. It's good to have passion in your life.
I will keep your hubby's safety in my thoughts.
My Sweetie Man was in the Navy for 20 years before I met him....don't know if I could do it. I comend of luck to hubby. That is a beautiful picture of the horse...I personally like Betsy.
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