Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Where the heck did this come from all of a sudden? You can't see it in this pic, but it's coming down hard!

I hope it doesn't effect our horse time later!! That would be miserable!


Jeff said...

Oh man its coming this way. We had snow just a little bit ago and now its raining/sleeting. Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Ok the Jeff was me. I keep forgetting to sign my hubby out. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

It didnt affect horse time but the 12 mile drive took over an hour and saw three cars in the ditch!!!
Thanks for keeping the boy home!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Did you see that 50 car pile up on the news?! Scary! Stay safe, Christy!

Kare said...

Holy! That's a lot of blowing snow!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Stay safe & warm. :o)