Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Projects, Projects Everywhere!

As promised here is the current project on the hook so to speak. It is a Zippered Rug, pattern kindly mailed to me by Sue. Thanks Sue!

I am quite pleased with this so far. I chose the brown to compliment my newly painted kitchen and the blue to bring out the blues in all of the decorations. I never realized that there was so much blue, but I guess when you pull everything down to dust and clean you learn quite a bit!

I have never felted anything before, so if you have pointers please don't be shy. I understand that you wash it a bunch, but blocking has me confused.

Speaking of my newly painted kitchen, here are some pictures. Don't look at the smudges where the ceiling meets the wall, okay? It's already driving me nuts. I just have to see if it's livable or not. The perfectionist in me is screaming!

*Here is hub doing some touch ups for me, thanks Babe*

Also, here are pics of the decorations. Just in case you wanted to see.

*I made both the valance and the swag back when I got along with the sewing machine*

*The pic above is the one that is bugging me. Can you see why?*

*This is one of my favorite decorations. It's often ignored. *

So there ya have it! A newly painted Kitchen and a happy Crochet project on the hook.


Lucy said...

Your kitchen is looking great!!!! Love the colors!

Anonymous said...

Go Christy, go! The rug's looking great so far! So is the kitchen. Ain't the wall/ceiling paint thing a bear? Cute curtains and decorations! I don't get along with sewing machines either.

Anonymous said...

Your rug is coming along great, I love blue. Your kitchen looks great too, love the decorations. :o)

@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

Looking good! Why the white wall still behind the Mommy's busy hanging?

Anonymous said...

Everything looks wonderful! I know about them smudges. I had to correct a few when I painted my dining room and kitchen. The rug is looking good! Felting is super easy and you have nothing to worry about. Just remember to check it.