I'm seriously overwhelmed. It's hard for me to say that, but stuff is happening here that I would have never expected....things I'm banned from mentioning as a Male Ego is involved. The overwhelming feeling is not as a result of Hub. He got in trouble for getting out of bed and is now on strict bed rest until surgery, I don't expect him to help out, but he wants too and it's hard for him to digest. I'm overwhelmed because there is a new puppy and 2 kids and a useless Father In Law that I am starting to seriously consider sending packing. Not to mention the fencing issue with the horse, the son with a slip on the no dairy diet (causes massive stomach issues now) and the fact that I just want to scream. SSSCCCCRREEEAAAMMMM!!!!

Geez, I'm in a self pity funk I suppose. I need to snap out of it somehow. Any one have ideas on how to kick the injured Husband blues?
Here are some pictures of Cajun enjoying his first few days at home. This kinda cheers me up.
Take a deep breath....you can do it!
Owie! Poor ankle! Yes, take a deep breath, this will pass. In the meantime, hugs!
Love the pet pics! The cats have that "dogs are such animals" look on their little cat faces.
Do you like Kahlua?
I feel for you. Just having a puppy alone was enough to reduce me to tears a few times. Your puppy is absolutely adorable though, Christy. Not to mention your kids. (Seriously, I thought that it was your leg at first. haha) Your husband must be having a hard time seeing you all stressed and not being able to do anything about it.
Hang in there. Make sure you get out by your. self. Things will not fall apart. Really. They won't.
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