The not so useless Father in Law built me these recycled garden boxes after Hub broke his leg. I didn't even have to ask, so he can be known now as the Father in Law formerly known as Useless, or FILFKAU, which ever you choose. I'm just extremely glad that I didn't A) Have to make them myself or B) Have to beg and beg him to do it.
It's hard work. You don't have to til up the ground, but you do have to gather all your organic matter. For me, that means I am out in the field filling up the rather small wheel barrow just shy of a thousand times (ok, so that figure is a bit inflated) and wheeling it an inch short of a mile (again, inflated) and shoveling it back out. Gimme some credit. It's hard work.
Here are some photos of the work in progress:
Here is a great picture of the layers. It all starts with brown paper bags over the grass, or in my case weeds. It helps kill the weeds and prevent them from intruding into my future garden.
It's followed by a thin layer of dirt that the moles were nice enough to supply me with. They are every where lately. They must know that I needed a lot of dirt!! Next is a layer of composted poo, followed by peat moss. Mental note: Must buy more Peat Moss!
Below was my view while working, I just can't tell you how much I love watching these beasts.
And providing the entertainment for the action packed day was Mr Spice himself, Cajun.
Now I must leave you and go clean out the cat litter. Poor me.
The garden beds are shaping up nicely. Good work! Now go soak in a hot bath!
Bravo! Yup, all that gardening/planting type stuff is a LOT of work! Looks like you had great company though!
What gorgeous weather you're having.
You'll enjoy the garden!
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