Here are some helpful hints for getting along with me. They are quite simple I think, but some have names here.....
Do not Nag me. If I tell you I will, I will. I am exactly like my son is. Tell me the plan and then leave ample time available and do not rush me. DO NOT RUSH, PUSH, OR DRIVE ME BONKERS. These things will only serve to delay whatever it is you think you need. It's just how I'm wired.
I need to plan things, P.L.A.N. I have 3 calendars going at the same time. I need my calendars. Do not spring last minute things on me unless I have told you I am bored. Please. Specifically regarding travel arrangements.... I am a cheap skate. Do not make me wait for a fly date until prices for airfare are through the roof. I will decide to drive, and you will have to wait on me. I need a date, like tomorrow, so that I can have a little pricing party and figure out all the details. This is just how I am wired.
If you board you horse here on my property and your horse busts through a gate and gorges out on 3 bales of hay they broke open don't give me attitude for asking for help cleaning it up. Just don't. I don't care that you have out of town family here to visit. They will be here 12 days. Come and help me clean it up. AND, for the love of GAWD, if we make arrangements on when we will clean it up do NOT show up when you know I will not be here and do it all yourself the wrong way. This is my place, my hay layout, my horses that you double fed while you were here......Keep your word, call and make sure I am here first. You put a HUGE gaping hole in my day.
Lastly. Beware of Churches that say "adventure" in the title. Holy crap, that was an adventure and I've had my fill!
Thanks for the vent!!