Thursday, July 20, 2006

H E double hockey sticks

Oh why am I posting this? I am not proud. Seems that I have missed several hundred sts in there somewhere. I don't know how that happened. I can't bring myself to pull it apart though. It's my very first finished "thing" (It's a dish cloth). Drat. Wish me better luck next time......

Anyone have any pointers?

I can't beieve I posted this ugly


@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

First attempts should always be honored!! I think it looks just fine. Very usable too.

Why do you think you missed stitches?

Keep trying, they just get better with every attempt. You should see some of my first knitted dishclothes!! Yoy!

LG said...

Not every dishcloth needs to be square! You did a "trapezium" one!

Lucy said...

I think you should leave it and start a new trend in dishcloths.

Anonymous said...

I think it looks BEAUTIFUL!! Now I am curious if you remembered to count the beginning ch as your first stitch at the beginning of each row??? Did I confuse you more?? Hope not!!