Oye Oye Oye!
Yesterday I about had a aneurysm when I opened the electric bill, darn near 700 bucks! WHAT?!?!?!
Yep 700 smackruls.
Pick up phone, make panic call to customer service while cussing the window A/C unit in my mind. Turns out it was an error on their part. Those were beautiful words, their fault. They restored the bill back to normal. I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Whew.
Today, I got the cell phone bill in the mail. I was caught totally off guard when I opened it, and once again needed to make a panicked call into customer service. Holy Moses, I feel faint. Normally we have a bill that is around $80 a month for 2 phones. The number on this bill read $398.90. Huh?!?! Come again? Must be a mistake. It has to be a mistake. There is NO way!!
I was wrong. Turns out that we went way WAY WAY over our minutes last month. 700 minutes over to be exact. WOW. I'm stunned if you haven't figured that out yet. The very nice man I spoke with gave us a larger plan and retro activated it to create a balance that is much more budget friendly. Another crisis averted.
After thinking about it, my husband has been on the phone, work related much more than normal. He seems to be the person that everyone calls in a panic. I love that about him. I love that he is the one that everyone depends on, even when it takes time away from family. Well, you know what I mean. Now if I can just talk the Navy into paying our cell phone bill LOL!!
Everything else has been normal. I started a new mystery crochet project. I can't blog about it unfortunately because the lucky (or unlucky HA) gal who is my mystery swap partner reads me. Ah well, just trust me.
I'm glad you got everything resolved to your satisfaction. Hate those nasty surprises.
Holy crow Christy! I would've had a heart attack for sure. Glad you got it straightened out.
holy smokes, I would have passed out! I could see me, beating the crap out of the air conditioner before I even had a chance to call the Electric Company, and then just saying, "oops"...Thankfully you're not as impulsive as me. ;o)
Bills make me sick!!! I wish I could hire someone to manage them! Hey, Christy, I never answered your question about the Red Heart Strata Yarn. It's supposed to make stripes when you crochet or knit with it and it's regular worsted weight yarn. Sorta like those sock yarns do. PS...Your little girl is adorable on her first day of school!
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