Sometimes I hit a creative rut, and I can't seem to put a page together for anything. Other times I get on a roll and can't seem to quit. That is what happened last weekend, and I was able to finish and fix several pages.
Here is one I completed. This is the first official page in my daughters book. It has sat unfinished all her life because I couldn't get it "just right." On Saturday I made myself complete this task before starting on a new page and I am glad I did. I think it turned out nicely. I'm not a fancy scrapper by any means. I prefer simple and cute. Not necessarily frilly or over the top as others like.

I worked at the Base Clinic on Little Rock Air Force Base as a medic. I was always able to ask doctors questions in passing, with out an official appt. That was nice because I HATE being a patient. (It's up there in the top 3 HATES!) Anyway- I was given a prescription in one of those passing conversations that caused some major, lets call it "irritation."That night I had Rob in a tizzy worried about me, and even his Mom who was a nurse was worried. In order to avoid a trip to the ER I promised that I would get checked out in the am.
So when I say "major" I should let you know that it wasn't a heart attack major. I knew that I'd live to see the morning, I don't want you to think I'm nuts and would refuse something like that......
On with the story......
The next morning I actually scheduled myself as a patient, which was the first sign to the doc that something wasn't right. We did tests and blood work, and I was given a nice uncomfortable place to rest while I waited on an ultra sound apt.
I pulled myself together and reminded myself that I had gotten 3 negative pregnancy tests in a row and that I was definatly NOT pregnant. (Which I why I was on the new med) I had to remind myself so that I wouldn't be disappointed. I knew that I wasn't and that all this pain was something else.
I checked into the ultrasound apt and they asked all the regular questions. "Are you pregnant?" to which I answered "no". We continued the questions and out of the blue the receptionist said "Well the computer says your pregnant" To that I replied "Well the computer seems to be mistaken!"
Straight into shock I went. I was making myself believe that it was a mixup. I couldn't contain myself and I started crying at the OB apt several days later. I was really pregnant!!! I was extatic!!
Since then, I have been more intune with my body. I try to delay all medicines until the do or else point. I jumped into the meds that day, and maybe if I continued with them I wouldn't have the cutie patootie almost 6 year old today......
Anyway- Lots of rambling, but that's the story. Seems like just like last year.
I love to scrapbook....just got to make myself sit down and do it. It's fun to look back on pages you forgot you did too! Yours looks really cute!
I remember some phone calls too, and you're not feeling well. What I REALLY remember is you calling me at work to tell me you're pregnant. I was covering the front desk for lunch breaks, and I couldn' talk, and you'd just drop this bomb-shell of a news report on me! Out of the blue!
What a blessing my Sweetie-Pie has turned out to me. Love her to pieces.
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