In the last post I asked for help staying on task with my to do list. Someone took me seriously!
Here is my daughters kitty, Josie, taking on the job herself. I got the new photos out to organize them into scrapbooking topics and there she was, monitoring the job. She's a good cat, and a super friend to my daughter. She even has decided that I am okay! Bonus!

Oh- Sue, if you're wondering, this is not the cat that I say looks like Itsy. I'll have to see if I can talk my Mom into posting a picture of Daisy, Itsys twin!
very cute kitty-better to have a cat be a supervisor instead of a human!
Hahaha!! I was just thinking, "er, well, Josie sort of looks like Itsy around the ears..." She's a beauty and looks like a great pal. Don't you love how kitties like to be where the action is? Is Josie the famous tornado cat?
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