Dear Santa,
I have tried, really tried, to be good this year. I have not been arrested or drunk in public, I have not sucker punched anyone or knocked anyone's teeth out. (Please consider the knee to hubbies privates an accident, truly I didn't mean to laugh after that, I slipped, what can I say?) I also have not been taken to Judge Judy, and have not appeared on Jerry Springer (yet?). I don't spew nasty words to the crappy neighbor, nor did I tackle her and knock her teeth out when I was tempted. For the icing on the cake, I have also turned down romantic advances from one Mr Kenny Chesney, Mr Dane Cook, and the super uber-handsome Rock.
After all of this, I am exhausted. I have no time in my day to mess with 2 computers that refuse to work at any given time. Without a properly working computer I turn into the above mentioned person. I would be forced to be naughty.......
With all due respect Santa, I need a working computer. Like this one for instance. Isn't it pretty? It wants me, and I want it. I deserve it. Please?
If you are feeling generous you could throw in a nice printer. That would be super.
Thanks so much for your time Rob, I mean Santa.
With much Love,
Your wife
Oh yeah!! I LOVE this post!! Its so great! You really have been a good girl! :) Im so proud....Good job.
Nothing but LOVE, you friend who has also been VERY good this year...I wasnt arrested, tried to keep my nasty thoughts to myself, and didnt cause anyone any bodily injury....even when I was very tempted! :)
Please have Santa look kindly on me too!!
You seem to forget that "Santa" lives with you and isn't fooled with the quick wit and lies... he knows what you've really been up to!!! Kidding of course... And Steph needs to find her a "Sugar Santa"
ROFL... This is a good one!! I hope your Santa gets you one!!
Is this anything like "I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus" ????
Steph- I'll put in a good word for ya. I know for sure the little one has been a doll, I'm sure that she'll get something!
Rob- I have no idea what you are refering too. :)
Brandy- I hope Santa gets me one too! Sometimes a regular list just doesn't cut it when a husband is involved. You have to get creative!
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