Oh- By the way- the Dog IS actually snoring in the picture. What a nerd!
We had no intention of adopting this dog. I think, well, he's just a lucky dog to have met me if I do say so myself. He had been bounced around in the neighborhood where we lived in military housing. He was timid and obviously feeling unloved. My neighbor who had taken him in didn't like him because he just hid out under her table. Boy- she was a winner. One morning in passing she mentioned that she was going to take him to be put to sleep. WHAT? She didn't want him, and everybody else had already had him. She must of seen the look in my eye when she said that because she quickly pounced on my emotions. I agreed to "foster" him until I found a family that would love him. Soon after that Jax adopted my husband.
You would think that that is where the story ends, however it is not. A few weeks had passed and yet another neighbor appeared to claim "their" dog. They brought the original owners to prove that they had left the dog in their care, and that they had "rights" to him. This neighbor went on and on about how this dog cheered her up while she was dealing with cancer (which later turned out to be fake cancer) and that she really needed him back. I gathered his things and broke hearts as I walked him back to her.
Yet, that is not the end of the story either. A few weeks later, that same neighbor came to my door asking if the dog could come back. She said she was too sick to take care of him and that she knew we loved him. Sure I said, I was ecstatic! We got him back with nothing we returned and immediately had to get him untraumatized yet again. This time around we immediately changed the name on his microchip and established him with our vet to prove that he was ours now, and forever. 2 days later, that same lady came home with a Weimaraner. I swear, some people..............
He's a good dog, we saved him, and he loves us. We love him too.
Oh- the lady with "cancer" her ruse was discovered about 2 or 3 months after that. Not quite sure what makes people fake terminal illnesses, I hope she got the help she needed. And I dont mean the cancer!
Aww! How cute! That's one lucky pup!
You guys got LUCKY, he is a great dog! And I know he loves you guys very much!
That's a good story. A keeper. Add it to your scrapbook.
Such a sweet story, and both parties in the photo look completely at peace.
I think your family and that puppy got very lucky to find each other!
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