Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Stinky Blogger

I think that this is my 4th or 5th attempt to post today. Cross your fingers that it works, cause I'm getting annoyed.

Today's post is just some of this and some of that. You know, nothing special really.

1) Can you see the horse that is in between the posts? Is he walking? Let me know. Mom can't see it and that bothers me.

2)Thank you to whomever for keeping my Eastern WA family safe during their horrific wind storm the other day! Good grief! 120 MPH winds are not fun!

3) We are learning Baby Sign language. Our son loves it so far, and I can tell this will give him the ability to communicate with us. Hopefully it will take the place of all the screaming in frustration!! I'll post the link we are using when I can get it from Hubby. (it's on his laptop)

4) Horse lessons start tomorrow and I think that I am more excited than the gal!! I don't even get to ride!

5) If you are at all interested in some great quilting fabric you should check out my Ebay store.( The link won't post right, but you can look me up under kieandalsmom) Don't have a coronary Mom, yours is still set aside for you. As a bonus to all my wonderful Bloggerville friends, if you buy something and let me know you found me at Blogger, I'll mail it to you FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

What are you still doing here? Go buy something!! :)


Anonymous said...

Nope, I don't see a horsey walking :-(

Anonymous said...

I can't see the horse either, Christy. I'll ask The Daddy if he can look at your source code and figure it out.

I'm glad your family it safe. There's been some crazy weather up there this year!

The baby sign language sounds like a blessing! I'm so happy for your little guy. :o)

Anonymous said...

If you aren't using the new blogger and blogger asks you to, do it! I've yet to have any problems with it on anything! Used to have trouble with pictures! oH, had to laugh out loud at your comment on my blog.....now you know why he's my 'SWEETIE MAN'! Off to the ebay store....