Monday, February 05, 2007


I only had a couple, but it's official. I have a hangover. I guess the older you get the more of a light weight you become. oye.

Off to make some coffee and some dry waffles. Wish me luck.......


Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Take a nap today, Christy. You'll feel better tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I feel ya girl! We went out one night while we were in Disney and I only had two beers and was toasted! LOL! I've always been a bit of a lightweight though, LOL!

Priscilla said...

After my gall blader came out I could only drink 1 glass of wine instead of 2. I never could drink 1 beer without getting buzzed.

Anonymous said...

My limit is one and if I should have more. Well lets just say I dont have hangovers I have heartburn (reflex). Hope you are feeling well now.

Kare said...

Poor Christy!
We've become real cheap in our maturity, haven't we? lol.
Take care of yourself.

Lucy said...

And you were drinking....????????
Stick with wine next time!