See, it causes comatose. Her eyes are acting weird, she has no bodily control and can not talk. Not what I was prepared for at all, not to mention the gal!! Complicate that by the surgeon wanting me to take her home like that and, well, just not good....
We've been home about an hour and a half and she is coming around. Some nausea but I had expected that. She is talking and moving which is a relief to say the least. She sure is a trooper and will be getting a very special trip to the Build-A-Bear workshop tomorrow after school.
Right now she is up in bed with Dad who decided to stay home and help me after he realized she was in no condition to be left alone for even a moment. Thanks sweetie pie!
I can't bring myself to take pictures, it just doesn't seem right. Here they are together on Vets day after her school assembly. Aren't they cuties!!??
Very Nice pics! Glad she's feeling better now. So Rob went to school for a Vet's day ceremony?
oh, the poor thing. And poor mom! I'm like that, too, Christy. If plans get messed up I'm just beside myself.
Glad that your husband stayed home.
Great pics, btw
Oral surgery?! Oh dear! I just went through that with The Girl and can understand completely where you're coming from. At least you didn't encounter any evangelists in the waiting room. Geez! Hope your little one is feeling better soon!
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