What would one do without kitty supervision? Chip, one of the 2 kitties we kept, was all about keeping me on task while working on the new place mats for Thanksgiving. I'd pull out the project and poof, there he was like magic or something! Maybe chip should be on Phenomenon
(It couldn't make that show any worse)
Speaking of that show...Did you see that trick with Ross's credit card? OMG, not that I watch that show or anything but that was WAY cool!
Anyway- the place mats were started on Sunday during football and they got nearly completed today. I still have to stitch closed the opening used to pull the fabric through. Isn't there are name for that hole? Interesting...I can't think of it.
Enjoy the pictures. I'll be moving on to Christmas place mats after I rebound with some scrap booking.
ETA: What in Sam Hill is up with the font in this post? It won't change to all be the same. Arg.....drives my perfectionist side CRAZY.
Very cute!! Thanks for sharing.
Everyone is making placemats....no fair! I have to make a bajillion yo-yo's for Christmas tree ornaments before I can move on to anything fun.
To answer your question about the fabric background... I just did a google search for images and found one that I could crop down and TA DA, BACKGROUND! Everyonce in a while I get tired of my background and I switch it up but I have been super lazy lately and have decided to live with what I have.
And she quilts, too!
Very pretty!
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