Wednesday, April 09, 2008

YAY a tag!

I was tagged by Sue, so now I guess it's my turn. U haz da rulez:

1. When tagged, place the name of the person and URL on your blog.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 7 things about yourself.
4. Name 7 of your favorite blogs.
5. Send an e-mail letting those bloggers know they have been tagged.

In random order, here are my quirks.

1. I love animals, especially horses. I want to love them and rescue all that need me. Someday I want to enter the Extreme Mustang Makeover and prove to some people that I could do it if given the chance. I want horses to be in my life for the rest of my days and sharing this love with my daughter is icing on the cake. Now if I could only get the hubby on board....

2. I am a starter of many things, finisher of few. This little tick about me makes me so frustrated with myself and causes much self doubt. It's on top of the Must Fix List. I must fix this to excel at #1!!

3. I want badly to become a foster parent some day. As long as I can remember I've wanted a large family (4ish kids) however my body said no more after 2 kids. I want to add to the roost, and fostering children who other wise would have no where to call home, or parents to love them seems like the way to go. Unfortunately, being a military family doesn't really make this ideal right now, but I hope to pursue it in the future.

4. I'm weird. Have you noticed? I have an odd sense of humor and most don't "get me" until months have gone by. My Sis mentioned that she laughs at my blogs which is a huge compliment. But I don't think most get it. Oh well, I often laugh at myself, and that counts for something too!! :)

5. My son is Autistic and I have plunged myself into researching alternative forms of therapy for him. One is dietary and he has made huge progress. HUGE progress. It's so amazing that the school district has decided that he was mis diagnosed. They are wrong, but it is kind of a pat on the bat. It's a struggle, but the rewards are so magnificent. As a mother one of my greatest joys is watching my kids grow in every way. Being able to alter something as simple yet drastic as his diet and having a hand at improving their lives is more joyous than I have words to express.

6. I love Scrapbooking! I love scrapbooking with my sis too. I love everything about it. Well, except that it's so darn expensive. I don't love that part.

7. I am cheap. I get nausious when buying anything. Errands are torture for me. This is a huge accomplishment for me because a few years ago I was a bona fide shop a holic. Although being on the other end of the problem is still a problem. Now I find it next to impossible to relax when it comes to spending money.

And now to pass the torch....
Aunt Jenny
Hub (start a blog honey, it will help I promise)

So there it is in all it's quirkiness. I can't wait to see what you list!!


Catherine said...

Thanks for the nod! I'm going to pass on doing the 7 Things this time around (I've done it a few times on my blog, they're somewhere!) but so appreciate that you dig my blog! I'm adding you to my Google Reader right now. :)

Aunt Jenny said...

I will do it just for you. I hope I can think of 7 things no one already knows...hmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

What a great list! Hey, I can relate to #4 although I don't think you are "weird" at all. You're a sweet, caring and adventureous person! You have a very big heart! I should send you my extra scrapbooking stuff. I can't bring myself to sit down with piles of photos.