Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm back!

This is amazing, I'm blogging 2 days in a row!

Today was a good day. I went to a nice breakfast with the Hub and we ended up solving some issues, and coming up with some plans to follow through on them. Most are not in our control however. Letting go is such a hard thing when you feel you are being taken advantage of. I hate that in the back of my head I know that this problem, this situation is permanent and I can bang my head against the wall as many times as I want but it won't make a dent. It's so frustrating. I'm a fixer, and a helper, and sometimes a push over and when I can't fix/help/or etc I seem to lose my mind. It's like Ron White says "You Can't Fix Stupid!" no matter how hard you try to force it.

I got the corn planted in the garden today. I was a bit behind on that but I hope it won't effect it much. We ate our first thinning of lettuce last night in our salad and that was delicious! I love how fresh and flavorful it was! I can't wait until the peas and tomatoes and carrots are ready! Yum...

The chick are great, they are so fun to watch. Each has their own personality. They are growing so fast though, they are out of the fur ball stage and are getting their permanent feathers now. I am surprised that they all have made it. The store suggests buying 25% more chicks than you want to raise to allow for disease and such. All of these are happy and chirping and pecking away. In case you want to know and/or participate a bit here on the mini farm, 4 of the 6 have names. We still need 2 more. So far we have a Batman, which is black and is our sons. We have Peeper which I keep thinking a dirty name and have to make sure I get it right in my head before I say it out loud. She's white and is my daughters. We also have 4 R.I. reds, and two of those are named. Henny Penny is Moms, and I named another Rosie. Truth be told you can't tell them apart but oh well. It's fun to name them anyway. I'm so glad these are egg layers and not meat birds! I'm such a sucker.

We have a coyote that is stocking our horses lately. It's very abnormal behavior for them to consider a horse for dinner but in this case I am not a sucker at all. I've been known to be a pretty decent shot and since Hub got a Ruger with the stimulus check he'll be dead as a door nail if he returns. (the coyote, not the hub) :) I once saw a bumper sticker that said "You can leave with my husband, but don't touch my horse"

Anyhow, not much else. I'll try to get a decent picture of the baby bird and the nest but I'm being very conscious not to disturb them. If I'm able I will, I promise.



@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

Cool! Talked to "hub" today and he said the chicken tractor got yet another upgrade and some color! New pics are in order!!

@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

p.s. can you call someone at fish and wildlife about the coyote?