Monday, September 22, 2008

Alone again.....

HA, well not really. The Hub left at 4am and will be gone until Tday. I am not alone however, still plenty of activity around here to keep me busy.

I've also been awake since 4am. I tried to get back to sleep to no avail so I got up and actually think I might make rising early a habit. I was sitting here at the computer when the sky started to lighten up, and went out to my new porch swing (thanks mom) and enjoyed the fresh morning air and listened to the neighbors roosters. It was rather refreshing! While out there I made a mental list of all the things I need/want to do to keep busy. And now in my normal fashion, I'll share them with you and hope you'll hold me accountable!

  1. Figure out where to put all the new furniture from Colorado. Figure out what to do with all my furniture that is getting replaced.
  2. Finish weeding the flower bed in front of the new swing. Flatten out dirt there and make an extended stone patio to ease swinging.
  3. Ride My horse at least 2 times a week.
  4. Get a new hitch installed on truck so I can haul my horse up to the barn in cruddy weather.
  5. Plan daughters bday party. Any ideas for a scrap booking party for kids who might not like to scrapbook as much as my daughter does?
  6. Haul bad hay mess left by a friend to compost pile. (This will be a solid days work)
  7. Lose at least 10 pounds in 2 months. (I have no idea what is realistic in the weight loss department. Is 10 to little or to much to think I can lose in that time frame?)
  8. Pick up Hubs truck at the base.
  9. Buy hay. Good cheap hay and get our other horse on some sort of Senior feed.
  10. Sell the Mini Van. Apparently these things don't sell themselves.
  11. Get son all the way on the GFCF diet. Gotta get that in place while Hub is gone.
  12. Possibly move all my crafting stuff to basement and arrange it all nicely. (This would free up some room for new bedroom furniture)
Anyhow, that's the tip of the iceburg. There is still a big ticket item that needs attention from my Doc and his buddies at the Army Medical Hospital. Keep all those good vibes coming, as mom would say.....:)

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