Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Babies Babies Babies

Seems like everyone around me is pregnant, has a new born or is expecting in one fashion or another. Everyone....with the exception of everyone, including me, that is not pregnant. (ho hum)

I am a new Auntie to a little cute as a (insert my last name) baby girl named Caroline. She's in Texas and is Hubs Bro's little baby. Maybe. Don't get confused okay?

Next, My sis is adopting little cutie patotie Ella from China in October. Can't wait to go meet her either.

Then theres a great friend from HS who just had her daughter Natalie in July. Now this kid is seriously C.U.T.E. So cute it makes me ache. (Ho hum)

Then to top it all off, I visit Yogurt and Granola almost daily to drool over baby Amelia.

Me? Seems like I want another right? Well my factory was closed down during my C Section 4 years ago. (Ho hum) (sigh) (cry) (pity party) (smacks self and says what were you thinking)

All things can change if you're in the right mindset.

I'm off to find my mindset........


Kare said...


Lucy said...

My first guess was that you were preggo....but could I be right in "adopt-o"??????

@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

Let me remind you that you too have had babies recently.

1. A litter of kittens
2. An adopted mustang horse
3. Six - day old chickens, and they all survived!

Not to mention:
4. Two real children of your own
5. One grandparent
6. One parent
7. (and)one hubby!

The plate seem quite full!

Babies come in all shapes and sizes, and it's nice when they grow up, too!