Hi! My name is Christy and I'm addicted to Facebook, this is why I have been ignoring you. Sorry.
New stuff that has happened....
We are not going to get pregnant again. No more babies for us.
I must find a way to be "complete" without adding to the nest.
My husband leaves in early Jan for a 6 to 8 month deployment, which could possibly be followed up by a deployment to a really icky icky thought, and it starts with an I.
I voted for Obama, I'm sure you can figure that one out.
I crocheted a really cool orange and white blankie for my new neice in Texas. Why Orange? It's her Daddy's favorite color.
I can not believe Christmas is coming so fast!!! How did this happen?
I am getting a tattoo soon. Yay!
We got a new horse. His name is Jack, as in Jackpot, or in relation to the other horses, Jackass.
I am super duper frusterated with my daughters teacher. I've never been closer to homeschooling her than I was yesterday. The good news is that it seems that requesting a meeting with the Principal kinda gets the learning flowing. Please do not get me wrong, I LIKE her teacher, but there's a problem and my obligation is to my kid.
The Hubs dog, Cajun, nearly attacked him last night when I chocked on popcorn. Apparently the dog thought he had hurt me. Apparently he's more my dog than we both thought.
I have 6 chickens, and frequestly get 8 eggs a day. What's up with that?
I have a super secret girl crush on Rachel Maddow. ;)
that's enough for now I suppose. later.
Good to hear from you again! It's nice to get more than just sound bites...
p.s. have I told you I really like your party pic?
Your picture is adorable!!!!
It's about d--- time you posted on here! So what is the tat going to be? And where?
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