Someone, anyone, turn down the freakin heat!! My goodness. I would rather be cold. I Love snow, and wearing all my sweaters. I miss my favorite clothes, and I miss wanting to wear clothes. This weather makes me want to don a suit and crawl into the kiddy pool in our backyard.....not a pretty picture! What's so bad you ask? This isn't the worst of it, tomorrow and Sunday are gonna be scorchers.
Alright, I'm done complaining. I do like sun, but I prefer a spring time sun with a breeze. This sun is to much for me and my pale skinned son. My daughter aready has a great tan and can not burn, lucky her. I'm not sure who the genious is who built these houses in our neighborhood, but he left out the AC. I grew up in a much hotter climate with no AC, and that was a crime. But I was a kid, and there are many pictures of me walking around and sleeping nekkid.....that was the life!!
In much more inportant news. I have a crochet project!! Seriously! Here is my new baby

This is the Southwestern Ripple Afghan from the book pictured. I purchased some Sugar'n Cream in nice brown colors with this ghan in mind. I didn't buy enough however, so this might turn into a payday to payday project.
As much as I enjoy crocheting this I just might have jumped off the deep end as far as lengthy projects go. I have a craving to finish things now, and this one is gonna take some time. I think I should have stuck to book marks or something easy for beginners. I do notice (wink wink) that my speed is picking up and I have finished a row before my mind catches up with my fingers. That's a great feeling too! Baby steps. Maybe I'll join the crochet Oympics with ya'll next time. There I go getting ahead of myself again!! LOL
So there you have it. The first WIP. Yay for me!!
Oh my!! My weather pixie is a Liar!! She says it's 66. What a nut! I promise you, it's HOT
UMMMM, are you kidding me?? You wanna know about HOT? TURN ON THE WAETHER CHANNEL AND SIT THERE UNTIL THEY TELL YOU THE TEMP HERE IN SUNNY SOUTH FLORIDA!! Geeze! :) Id give just about anything to be up there right now! I think thats why Im not gaining any weight...Im sweating it all out, but hey as long as the baby is healthy, I dont care.
The afghan looks like its going to be really nice. That is a pretty good project....Dont get intimediated (sp?) keep focused and youll be done in no time at all! I have faith in you, you are gonna finish it and its going to be BEAUTIFUL!!
Nothing but love for you!!
I'm with you on the weather thing. I prefer it a bit cooler. The heat makes me wilt. Blah.
Don't give up on the blanket!! Keep at it, it's so pretty.
Please rest assured that your new blog is in my bloglines. Do you have an account there? It makes reading blogs much faster! I've been a lazy bum and haven't updated my sidebar in forever! Thanks for the reminder, I'll do so this weekend. :)
Steph- Honey- my house is your house- Say the word and we'll buy you a ticket up here. BTW, you need one of these here blogs, specially since I want a daily report about my baby!!:)
Sue- I had never heard about Bloglines, but I am now a member!! Thanks for the tip!
I can't wait to see the finished project...its going to be lovely.
I know what you mean about hot weather...its terrible. Luckily the summer has not been so bad here. Some heat but we have had so much rain so our real issue is the humidity. Let me tell you, its been really gross. Luckily today its a perfect day, not to hot and very comfortable.
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