Wednesday, October 25, 2006

On the Mend

Okay- so I snuck in here to post. I'm allowed, and frankly I can't stay away.

All the morning chores are done, the boy is down for a nap and the daughter is about to be home. If I'm gonna sneak in here and give you an update, I'd better do it fast!!

Firstly. We are on the mend. Mending is not a fast process. No more sweeping under the rug and staying on the same pattern. No more going through the motions. That's actually a relief, even though it is hard!

We had a really honest talk the other morning, like 1amish. It was nice to just chat, and be able to be honest. We have had two good days in a row. So keep the prayers coming!

Secondly, I am working on a 'ghan that I started on the visit to Grammy's. Crochet is so relaxing!

I have also promised myself to never make another pinata. That project is so time consuming! It's the girls Birthday party this weekend, and it's a Halloween theme. The Pinata is a Bat, and I can't wait to never make another one.

So there you have it. Progress. Good Progress at that.


@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

Yeah! pinatas sound like a big effort.

Anonymous said...

Great news Chirsty! I'll continue to send my best wishes your way. Crocheting is very relaxing, isn't it? It's very helpful when you have a teen-ager in the house! LOL!
Yup, you can check "pinata making" off of life's list of accomplishments! :o)

Priscilla said...

Thanks for visiting me.
I'll be back.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear things are working out & I hope they continue to work for you. My thoughts have been with you & will continue to be.

And pinata making sounds not so fun. Thanks for the heads up, i'll put that on my never to do list, heehee.

Good Luck & keep your chin up. :o)

Lucy said...

I'm so happy that you are making some progress...don't give prayers are with you! (glad you stopped in to give an update too!)