I told Mom is would post these stories. One or more are quite hilarious. I think it's funnier if you can imagine my daughter saying it but ohwell....
We all know kids say the darndest things. Here are a few that my daughter has said lately.
Several months ago we were eating out at our favorite Chinese restaurant. I was up at the Buffet, hubby was at the table with the kids. Our waitress, who didn't speak English well, started trying to talk to our son. She wasn't getting the hint that our son is very anti social and kept trying. As she turned her attention to my daughter she got the hint and walked away. My daughter said "Whew, thank God that is over!!"
More recently we were eating at BK. The kids were playing in their play ground with a few very loud and rowdy boys who seemed to be unsupervised. After about a 10 minute play session we called them to the table to eat.
My daughter sat down very politely and took a drink and said
"I'm so glad I wasn't born with a penis!"
LOL, she cracks me up!!
That is TOOOOO funny!!!!
Outy of the mouths of babes, right? Kids are totally honest. We need to foster that, with a bit of discretion, of course! -;)
LOL...those are great. My friend was a nanny for a family with three very lively kids, many years ago. I witnessed the insanity that they created everywhere they went, but let me tell you those kids had some real gems for comments. She started a book and wrote down every crazy thing they said. The kids are teenagers now, but they love reading that book. Make sure you jot those gems down and slip them in your daughters baby book. She'll love it when she's grown.
OMG, too funny! Your daughter is absolutely adorable!!
OMG! I love that girl! How funny!!
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