3 day weekends really mess me up, it feels like it should be Sunday. It's so nice to have 1 more day to look forward to before the hub-bub of the work week begins.
Yesterday the Fam and I went to the mall to pay a visit to the cool playground and to have lunch. We entered in the food court which we normally don't do. I am so glad that we did though, or we would have never decided to try something new. Right inside the door was a eat in place called Ruby's Diner. You actually enter and get seated instead of just returning to the center where everyone else is.
Ruby's was decorated like a 50s Diner, with the waitresses in short one piece numbers with a old- school headband. The best part were the 2 large trains circling over head. Why the best part you ask? It kept the boy occupied, and thank goodness it did, because we all got to eat in peace for a change!! It was heaven. The food was great too!!
After the good eats we headed to the play ground for some way-to-crowded fun. We didn't last long, but the kiddies had fun. That's what counts. We stopped at Toys R Us on the way out for the little big Girl to spend her bday money, and that was that. We made it outta there just in time to hit rush hour on the way back, which provided a nice nap for those not driving!!
Crafts accomplished....
A Hat.

Thanks to the Hub for modeling!
Ahh, cute, pic of my sweetie pie! A hat model career is next perhaps? haha.
Nice hat. Keep it up!
Adorable pic of your girl and the kitty! Nice job on the hat! Looks like homespun, yes?
Homespun indeed! Good eyes Sue!
Very nice hat, love homespun. I bet it's warm & cozy. The girl & her cat are adorable. Glad to hear you guys had some fun family time. :o)
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