Sunday, December 10, 2006

4's, a Meme

I got tagged again, and thank goodness cause I have nothin nice to say right now. Don't ask.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Medic USAF
2. Chiropractic Assistant
3. Wife
4. Mom

Four movies I would and or do watch over and over again:
1. Erin Brockovich (sp?)
2. In her Shoes
3. Elmo/Cookie Monster
4. Band of Brothers

Four places I have lived:
1. East Wenatchee, WA
2. San Antonio, TX
3. Jacksonville, AR
4. Virginia Beach , VA

Four t.v. shows I love to watch:
1. Amazing Race
3. Prison Break
4. The Unit

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Disney Land
2. Cocoa Beach, FL
3. Burbank, CA
4. Camping in Leavenworth, WA

Four of my favorite foods (meals):
1. Chinese noodles from Safeway
2. Burger King
3. Thanksgiving meal
4. Mexican (anywhere)

Four of my favorite books:
1. Wynonnas book
2. Anything written by Debbie MacComber
3. Hmm...
4. Does a Sudoku book count?

Four people to tag:
1. You
2. Them
3. Those guys
4. All lurkers! ( I see you!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! You are too funny, Christy! I'm thinking Sudoku counts! I'm with you on the Mexican food but tell me about the Safeway Chinese noodles! What are they?! I must know. (Can you tell it's dinnertime?)