First morsel of good news for today is that the girl is officially enrolled in Horse lessons. We went out and visited a new barn, (old dairy farm) Where we knew one of the regulars. She is so nice and is really helping me help the girl realize her dream of horses. An Angel? Maybe. I'm grateful that she is willing to help us out on this journey. I'd be lost if she had not shown me the way to get involved.
Anyway- The gal starts lessons Wednesday so stand by for pictures! Oh and even cooler than that? I get to muck stalls in exchange for the lessons. Isn't that cool?? Maybe not for you, but I love it. 8 stalls=great workout!
On to Flickr Friday.
Here is one of the pictures that lives in my Flickr box on the right. If you have ever had little kids you know the significance of these little notes. It's enough to choke you up, and makes it impossible to have hurt feelings.

This note took place after this conversation with the gal.
"Hey Mom, did you know that I love Josie (her cat) more than I love you?"
"You what?"
"Well, it's true, I love her more than you"
"That really hurts my feelings, why would you say that?"
"She's my cat, your just my Mom"
"Go to your room........."
Shortly after that she came out crying with this note and gave me a big hug. That fixed everything! She's a pretty cool kid, even if I am just her Mom.
That's really sweet. My three year old doesn't care at all if he hurts my feelings. He just laughs.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Thought I was one of the few going through this stuff with my mom.
Notes from our kids are truly priceless aren't they? That is sooooooo sweet.
OMG I remember those notes. Believe it or not, I still get them from my 19 year old when he wants to end an argument we may have had...only they are a page long and typed!! Trust me, it never ends!
I cant wait for those notes...Although I can wait for her to hurt my feelings. Kids are wonderful!
Aww! I'm getting all teary! How sweet.
Hey! There we are in your flikr badge!!
Awww! I seriously have goosebumps! That is the cutest.
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