Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pictures of Sara

I thought I'd drop in and share some pictures with ya'll. I don't have much time lately....but at least I am having FUN!!! Hope everyone is well and having fun too!

As much fun as all this horse stuff is, we have our work cut out for us. Sara is quite a bit underweight, and her mane and tail are almost completely matted up. You won't find a sweeter horse though. I think she knows in the few times we have been out to visit her that we are going to love her very, very much! Heck, I already do!


@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

You found her? Good. Is it a done deal then?

Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Christy! You and your daughter are doing such a good thing for that horse. It's great that you're having fun in the process.