Sunday, February 11, 2007

A horsey life

Lately, it's been all about the horses in this house! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'd move in to the house on the farm property in a heart beat!!

We were out there again this morning. On weekends the individual horse owners are responsible for turn out. Today was a different day though. Not only were there chores waiting, but there was a horse show going on. We got to go up to the little run down observation booth and watch as one of the gals friends competed in a walk trot category. I teared up thinking that sometime soon that will be my gal up there looking so proud as she gets her ribbon.

I did snap some shots of Sara as the Hub and her walked around on a lead line. We are still trying to gauge how much training Sara has had before we let the gal take over. We have noticed quite a personality change in her (Sara) though. Before we purchased her we would visit her in her old pasture. She would walk up to you with her head down and didn't have any sign of life really. I thought she was "dead broke" which is a term for horses that have been there done that, and will do anything you ask. After her adjustment phase in the new barn she has turned into quite a spunky little gal with a mind of her own. I get to watch as she prances around Hub in the pasture playing "I bet you can't catch me" and "Lets see if your boots are steel-toed." She's a great addition, and I hope that she proves to be a great friend for the gal.

Here they are after a trip around the barn loop.

Sorry about the ass shot. :) Maybe she was posing that way on purpose?!?

Speaking of horses, I do have one finished object to report. I had been working on a horse pillow case for the gal. It's a simple design that I can pick up and put down as needed. Here is the finished product.


@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

Nice embroidery work! Thanks for sharing the pics. So glad it is working out well.

Lucy said...

The stitching is great....and Sara of course is beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

Great embroidery! I miss riding horses. I havent done that since I lived in Texas. They really are some awesome animals! Sara is a beauty!

Kare said...

Very pretty stitching, Christy! She must love it.
(It's me, Kare)