Friday, September 28, 2007

el numero dos

Sue, over at Good Yarns mentioned I might do this Meme. Guess what? She knows me pretty well!! Thanks for remembering me Sue, it would have been a very boring night with out a Meme!


Two Names You Go By:
1. Christy
2. Baby

Two Things you are wearing right now:
1. Sweats
2. band-aid

Two Things you would want (or have) in a relationship:
1. soul mate
2. humor

Two Things you like to do:
1. Bake
2. Play with the horses

Two Things you want very badly at this moment:
1. Van repairs, for free. :)
2. water...I'll be right back.

Two Things you did last night:
1. Made a meatloaf from a new yummy recipe.
2. Watched Grey's Anatomy

Two Things you ate today:
1. Chicken
2. 3 Milano cookies. YUM!

Two People you spoke last to:
1. The Hub
2. The Boy

Two Things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Working on the current craft
2. Hanging out with the horses.

Two Longest car rides:
1.Virginia to Washington
2. Washington to Virginia (done it 3 times!!)

Two Favorite holidays:
1. Christmas
2. Turkey Day!

Two Favorite beverages:
1. Mocha no whip
2. Water

Two Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Medic, USAF
2. Wife/Mom

Two Movies I would watch over and over:
1. Ever After
2. Open Range, Young Guns. Westerns.

Two Places I have lived:
1. Washington
2. Texas

Two of My Favorite foods:
1. Doritos
2. Mexican rice

Two Places I'd rather be right now:
1. That spa Hub took me too.
2. On a trail ride.

Two People I think will do this meme:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh goodie! You did it! Love your answers!