Today was the gals 7th Birthday party. We were ready, had invited 5 girls, and thought that this was the year everything would go smoothly. Afraid not, someone always get left out. In this case it was the poor sport of the party that ended up in the corner crying and milking me for all I was worth. I'm exhausted. But what can you do?
I've decided I'm done planning parties. I'll throw a few for my son to make it even, then we are off to BK or Chuck-E-Cheese, or somewhere other than my home.
Here are some pictures of the good times.

There was also a Pinata, pin the tail on the Donkey and bracelet making. I have no pictures of those events though. Oh well.
Very nice cake! Did you make it? Did Sweetie Pie have a good time despite a pouty friend?
Ah yes, birthday party hell. I know it well. You read my post about The Girl's 13th birthday party last month? Seriously, hormones are evil. Happy Birthday to your girl though! It looks like she had a good time in spite of the drama.
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