Friday, October 12, 2007

It's 5:50 am, where are you?

I've been out chasing my naughty naughty horses since 4:45am.

Thank GOD Hub had to go into work very early this am.
Thank GOD that the knuckleheads hadn't made it to the road yet.
Thank GOD that they didn't bust the fence, just went through an "open" gate.
Thank GOD that they are both back where they belong.

I really need to learn how to rope. Watching Henry run and buck through the front yard was beautiful, but really at 5 am I'd rather rope you and go back to bed.

That's where I'm headed now.



@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

Horse Adventures!!!

Kare said...

Glad to hear that you got the horse and hopefully got some more sleep.

Holy, have you ever been busy! I love your stocking that you're making.