Monday, June 23, 2008


Hi all. Look what I got Free. FREE. That's my new favorite word. Well, aside from my son new trend in telling me he loves me every 2 minutes. That's really my favorite.

Here's a brief update of life in these parts.

The farrier, (the guy who trims horse hooves) went ill, and it's serious. I'm unable to find another farrier that the wild guy will tolerate, so I'm going to figure out how to do that myself. That has sparked interest from Hub on something for income after his retirement. He suggests a husband wife thing, I prefer the training side of things which leads me to the next topic...

The horse trainer had a freak horse related accident and has a major concussion and is not allowed to ride for 3 months. Concussion plus broken clavicle and a few cracked ribs. She feels like she's on hells door step, poor little thing. She's skinnier than the glass panel in my french door. :)

So this leaves me with no farrier, and no trainer. Guess who it leaves me with? ME. All me from now on. This could get very very interesting!

We have 2 out of town trips planned soon. One this weekend and the Hub gets home right in time to pack our bags and catch a plane to visit his Grandma in the scorching heat. Have I ever told you how much I hate being to hot? Anyhow, I'm excited to go see her. After that it's back home to enjoy some camping and horse time before it's back to sea for the hub.

I've also managed to get 4 pages in the scrapbook done, that's always so rewarding!

Enough blah blah....hope you are all well and enjoying Summer!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fab new idea

I have this fabulous new idea for a crafty item for kids. It would serve as a life saver for dining out. No one has thought of it, as far as I can tell. No one has one for sale on Ebay, Etsy or Craigslist. I want to make a prototype, but have no idea how to protect the idea or how to start the marketing process if it turns out well. Shoot, WHEN it turns out well. (I'm doing this whole positive thinking thing now) Can anyone point me in the right direction, at least give me a clue to the first baby step to take? I don't want anyone stealing my idea......:)

On a seperate issue. Way back when in 2002, my Cocker Spaniel was shot by a couple of kids out on a joy ride with a stolen car. They shot out some windows and decided to shoot my dog....jerks. Anyway, they went to court and were found guilty and ordered to pay restitution. One of them has paid, I thought it was paid off. Today I got another restitution check in the mail which prompted me to call and inquire. Turns out that this gal involved stopped paying and just restarted and still owes nearly 200 to me. They also mentioned that the juvenile arrested and charged with animal cruelty owes me $2000 and a warrant has been issued for non payment. Interesting. Very very interesting.

By the way, the dog lived, thanks to a nice vet and surgery. The vet bill was enormous but worth every penny.

Not sure why I am telling you all about this, but hey......

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Here I sit.....alone....

Alright Peeps. It has come to an end. Hub is on the plane to go wait for the ship. It will just be the kids and I, occasionally Grandpa, and hopefully Oma sometimes too, for the next month.

Right now, as I type this, I have no clue what to do, where to start etc. I have been out of my routine for 3+ months now and it feels really okward. At first I planned to weed outside and play with the horses a bit while the boy was at school this morning. It's raining, so that nixes that idea. Then I was going to go out and renew my Drivers License, but hey- I've got 2 more months to get that done, why rush it. Then I thought about going shopping but I don't really need anything so I decided to stay put in the house. Then I thought about cleaning, so I sat down with you instead. You'll help me ignore this mess won't you? Aww....I knew you were true friends! :)

The boy has an appt with his PCM up in Seattle today for a (waste of time) gosh, I don't know why we are going. I have no idea what I want/expect him to do. I made the appt to get a referral to explore the boy's Autism in more depth but I have a feeling I'm running myself into a medical brick wall. There ARE interventions that I want explored, but those come from "unconventional" methods, and insurance wants to know nothing about it. I'm specifically looking for a DAN doctor (Defeat Autism NOW doctor) they are hard to find, and expensive as all get out especially when insurance wants no part in it.

I did find him a doctor here locally, she's a DAN doctor and I can self pay. No referral needed. But then I think about the reassurance the PCM provides and how he made all this mush in my brain grasp the autism as a fact. He gets me. And I love him. I love him in the way that I would never dream about taking the kids or I to a military doctor ever again. Anyway- back on subject. I could go to Seattle, and have him say I can't refer you. Or he could refer me to another doctor whom I don't want my son to see and have my time wasted again. Or I could just call and say never mind, which makes me not get to see my favorite doc for awhile.

It just hit me. I'll take him to the DAN doctor first, and then I'll haul him up to Seattle to do the testing and get insurance to pay for it back door style. That sounds appealing!! I love it when I chat on here and I answer my own issues. Perfect. Let me make the call.

Calling......(I'm on hold)

Perfect! Well my schedule just busted wide open. Now what should I do.....ugh, the dishes are about to get up and walk out of here, maybe they are first on the list.

bye peeps, thanks for making it all clear!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

He's still here.......


I've heard your a good guy, and therefore I feel like I can safely write this email without repercussions for my husband. I do realize that this situation is not your fault and I don't mean to project that at all.

With all due respect Sir, what the hell is going on? It seems as though no one has any regard for proper notice or has any skill what so ever to secure an airline ticket. These things should not be anywhere as difficult to accomplish as the training office is making it out to be.

While the guys on the boat are keeping my husband in limbo from hell, I am at home with 2 small kids, one who is Autistic and they have no idea if Daddy is coming or going. We have canceled major weekend plans, held an every hour email check. I mean we've essentially been held captive in our home pending an email, which doesn't come, or when it does it's not even paid for. My husband woke and drove over a hour to the airport to find that someone again has dropped the ball. Speaking of which the ticket for tomorrows travel is still not funded.

Please, find the end to this endless string along. I know that you need him back. I know that it's been a hardship having him gone for 3 months. It's been a hardship having him home 24/7 for 3 months too. LOL. This whole situation is causing undue stress for our family, and there is such a better way to handle it all.

Again sir please find this email not as a personal attack, just from a wife that has reached her max and needed to vent some steam.

Thank you for your time.