Monday, April 06, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I just have one "small" thing to say
Vaccines CAN cause Autism!!!
I have a huge erg to scream and rant and rave about this article. I'm trying to keep it under control. First off: Does ANYONE really expect a court to rule on the side of parents who could single handily bring down the largest form of income in the health care industry? Seriously. I don't.
2. Ask ANY parent who has had a child be fine one day and completely gone another. And then ASK THE PARENT what they did to get their kids back. You'll be floored.
3. I think this is a conspiracy. Honestly, I do.
4. I am pissed off, but realize it's a losing battle. I am happy in the fact that I can recover my son, and content with the fact that it takes so much time and money. I also understand the importance of telling parents to just do the research! Don't assume it's alright because everyone else does it. Actually take a look at the crap that's in the shots. It's discusting!
So there, I vented.
If off my soap box, for now.
~Hubby- Look for the video to be posted on here in a day or two. I love ya!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Early this morning my Husbands ship left Bremerton for 6 months. At least 6 months. I didn't cry, I got a little grumpy toward the last day, but no tears. I'm a little bummed, but not sad. Not depressed either. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, or overwhelmed with all of our "stuff" riding on my shoulders. I'm not questioning how we'll make it, or what if this or what if that. I'm not worried, about anything.
Well I wasn't. I got a call from a wife of one of the hubs people today around noon. After answering, she immediately asked how I was doing. I told her what I always tell everyone, a habit I guess; "I'm good....How are you?" She was surprised and questioned me again. "Yes, really, I'm just fine......" Then I thought to ask why....
Apparently there is a family support group melt down in progress. Some wives are not taking this in stride. They've called an emergency "social hour" to get together and co-grieve. ugh. Really? She asked me specifically if I would go, and I agreed. blah blah buddy system, blah blah support group, blah blah blah....
I'm going, because I told her I would. BUT- I'm just not sure this is for me. I went through the Oh my God what and I going to do without you phase when I was a young new wife. I cried about everything, worried myself sick, and became depressed. I've been there, and I know for certain it's not the end of the world now.......I've got my big girl pants on.
I do not in any way mean to sound condescending. I truly know what it's like to be in that position. The question is, since I'm in "recovery", do I want to go back and help others that are not as....hum.....okay as me. I do not want to be sucked in, or drained out. And I could possibly risk sounding rude, because the fact is that they are in the Navy, which means we are too. with it.
I took a shower after I got off the phone and was questioning myself on why I wasn't more on the emotional side of this. Why am I not torn up, or mopey? Then it hit me, I've graduated. I am out of that phase for good. Doesn't mean I won't have bad days and good days. But I know it won't be anything I can't handle on my own. I'll be alright.
And really, August isn't that far away......
wish me luck!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
New stuff

Hi! My name is Christy and I'm addicted to Facebook, this is why I have been ignoring you. Sorry.
New stuff that has happened....
We are not going to get pregnant again. No more babies for us.
I must find a way to be "complete" without adding to the nest.
My husband leaves in early Jan for a 6 to 8 month deployment, which could possibly be followed up by a deployment to a really icky icky thought, and it starts with an I.
I voted for Obama, I'm sure you can figure that one out.
I crocheted a really cool orange and white blankie for my new neice in Texas. Why Orange? It's her Daddy's favorite color.
I can not believe Christmas is coming so fast!!! How did this happen?
I am getting a tattoo soon. Yay!
We got a new horse. His name is Jack, as in Jackpot, or in relation to the other horses, Jackass.
I am super duper frusterated with my daughters teacher. I've never been closer to homeschooling her than I was yesterday. The good news is that it seems that requesting a meeting with the Principal kinda gets the learning flowing. Please do not get me wrong, I LIKE her teacher, but there's a problem and my obligation is to my kid.
The Hubs dog, Cajun, nearly attacked him last night when I chocked on popcorn. Apparently the dog thought he had hurt me. Apparently he's more my dog than we both thought.
I have 6 chickens, and frequestly get 8 eggs a day. What's up with that?
I have a super secret girl crush on Rachel Maddow. ;)
that's enough for now I suppose. later.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Just incase you live on the North Pole and you haven't seen this; you must. Just click the link and make sure you don't have any liquids in your mouth that could possibly be projected onto the computer screen. (It was just water honey, and not very much at that)
Enjoy! and for the love of the future of America, please do whatever you can to insure she lands no where near the White House.
Enjoy! and for the love of the future of America, please do whatever you can to insure she lands no where near the White House.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Alone again.....
HA, well not really. The Hub left at 4am and will be gone until Tday. I am not alone however, still plenty of activity around here to keep me busy.
I've also been awake since 4am. I tried to get back to sleep to no avail so I got up and actually think I might make rising early a habit. I was sitting here at the computer when the sky started to lighten up, and went out to my new porch swing (thanks mom) and enjoyed the fresh morning air and listened to the neighbors roosters. It was rather refreshing! While out there I made a mental list of all the things I need/want to do to keep busy. And now in my normal fashion, I'll share them with you and hope you'll hold me accountable!
I've also been awake since 4am. I tried to get back to sleep to no avail so I got up and actually think I might make rising early a habit. I was sitting here at the computer when the sky started to lighten up, and went out to my new porch swing (thanks mom) and enjoyed the fresh morning air and listened to the neighbors roosters. It was rather refreshing! While out there I made a mental list of all the things I need/want to do to keep busy. And now in my normal fashion, I'll share them with you and hope you'll hold me accountable!
- Figure out where to put all the new furniture from Colorado. Figure out what to do with all my furniture that is getting replaced.
- Finish weeding the flower bed in front of the new swing. Flatten out dirt there and make an extended stone patio to ease swinging.
- Ride My horse at least 2 times a week.
- Get a new hitch installed on truck so I can haul my horse up to the barn in cruddy weather.
- Plan daughters bday party. Any ideas for a scrap booking party for kids who might not like to scrapbook as much as my daughter does?
- Haul bad hay mess left by a friend to compost pile. (This will be a solid days work)
- Lose at least 10 pounds in 2 months. (I have no idea what is realistic in the weight loss department. Is 10 to little or to much to think I can lose in that time frame?)
- Pick up Hubs truck at the base.
- Buy hay. Good cheap hay and get our other horse on some sort of Senior feed.
- Sell the Mini Van. Apparently these things don't sell themselves.
- Get son all the way on the GFCF diet. Gotta get that in place while Hub is gone.
- Possibly move all my crafting stuff to basement and arrange it all nicely. (This would free up some room for new bedroom furniture)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Babies Babies Babies
Seems like everyone around me is pregnant, has a new born or is expecting in one fashion or another. Everyone....with the exception of everyone, including me, that is not pregnant. (ho hum)
I am a new Auntie to a little cute as a (insert my last name) baby girl named Caroline. She's in Texas and is Hubs Bro's little baby. Maybe. Don't get confused okay?
Next, My sis is adopting little cutie patotie Ella from China in October. Can't wait to go meet her either.
Then theres a great friend from HS who just had her daughter Natalie in July. Now this kid is seriously C.U.T.E. So cute it makes me ache. (Ho hum)
Then to top it all off, I visit Yogurt and Granola almost daily to drool over baby Amelia.
Me? Seems like I want another right? Well my factory was closed down during my C Section 4 years ago. (Ho hum) (sigh) (cry) (pity party) (smacks self and says what were you thinking)
All things can change if you're in the right mindset.
I'm off to find my mindset........
I am a new Auntie to a little cute as a (insert my last name) baby girl named Caroline. She's in Texas and is Hubs Bro's little baby. Maybe. Don't get confused okay?
Next, My sis is adopting little cutie patotie Ella from China in October. Can't wait to go meet her either.
Then theres a great friend from HS who just had her daughter Natalie in July. Now this kid is seriously C.U.T.E. So cute it makes me ache. (Ho hum)
Then to top it all off, I visit Yogurt and Granola almost daily to drool over baby Amelia.
Me? Seems like I want another right? Well my factory was closed down during my C Section 4 years ago. (Ho hum) (sigh) (cry) (pity party) (smacks self and says what were you thinking)
All things can change if you're in the right mindset.
I'm off to find my mindset........
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