Friday, June 30, 2006
Progress Report
Here is the status of the 'ghan I've got going. I am really pleased with it so far! Luckily, I have had a hour or so during the day to devote to it while the boy is off in dream land.
I did have a yarn related scare yesterday. I went into the local craft store needing to replenish my stash for the project. Wouldn't you know it, they are out of the dark brown and that just happens to be the color I am working with, and it also happens to be my favorite of the three. I asked the Lady at the counter about ordering. She was obviously not a yarn fan......totally didn't understand that it was already in the blanket and another color would not do. Arg.
I'll head in to JoAnns tomorrow, cross your fingers!
(I noticed the edge on the right does not look even, which caused another minor scare.....I just checked it out, and I didn't have it lying flat......whew!)
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Happy "A" Day to us!
Yay! Today is our 7th wedding anniversary! It has gone by very fast, and it seems like it was a couple weeks ago that our love story began...
(prepare for a sappy story)
After about 3 months of long distance dating, meaning that we saw each other every other weekend, Rob proposed on a very nice dinner cruise. From that moment on we worried about planning a wedding that only one or 2 family members could afford to attend.
I was stationed at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma at the time, and Rob was stationed at a Reserve Center in Little Rock AR. My family was in WA and his family was in TX. There was no possible way it could have worked out with out alienating one side or the other. It was a nightmare we were dreading.....
Then it hit us...One day during the week when Rob was in town we decided we should just go do it. Just go to the JOP and throw all the nightmare out the window.
It was a Wednesday morning- and we had no clue what we were doing. We didn't bring any witnesses so we returned the favor to a Mexican couple who didn't speak English. I don't think that they knew what they were doing either!! Our vows were whispered just loud enough for the JOP to barely hear and when they were over he forgot to say "You may kiss the bride."
All though I was scared you know whatless, I knew that I had made the right decision. The military would not bring us closer together without being married, and unlike all my previous relationships I knew that I was loved. I knew that he was a keeper. I knew that in him, I had found my place......(told ya!)
We didn't escape the nightmares that day however.....We needed to pass along the news that we were married to our families......The thought was nauseating! We knew there would be anger, but underestimated the disappointment. We promised that we would have a ceremony at some point, but that seems silly now.
Hurt feelings were mended, and our love grew leaps and bounds when the Air Force transferred me to Little Rock. It has been a dream ever since!
Flash forward 7 years and here we are, 2 kids and a great life started. I'm in heaven....
Happy Anniversary Baby- I made the best decision of my life 7 years ago today. I Love you!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Misc info
I have learned that I tend to take the "I would do anything for you" factor in friendships way to far. I will listen attentively to your problems and sympathize with you about your struggles, I will be your shoulder to cry on and the ear in the middle of the night. I will even take on your problem as my own and make myself sick trying to fix it for you. I will carry your stress, develop your ulcer and go crazy when you tell me that it's gotten worse. I want to scream. SSSSCCCCRRREEEEAAAAAAMMMMMMM!
You know about this problem said friend. I Love you, you are the best friend I have ever had, and I mean that with everything I've got. I have to back away though, I have given all the advice I have, and I truly believe that my advice, and the advice of others will work if you stick to it. I am and we are still your friends, we still have your back through it, we just can not keep repeating ourselves. I know that it's hard! Remember that I have been there, and I know that it gets better!! Keep your chin up and your phone down!!
Another event is a crappy "dr" actually she is a NP. She has been treating me for a suspect illness that doesn't seem to have panned out. She has wasted my time, and my energy about fixing something that I don't think needed fixed. Sure, a tune up maybe but not an overhaul. I have spoken with my primary care Dr about the situation and he in turn has spoken with her directly. He thinks she isn't worth her weight, I agree. So simple fix you say? Ha. She just happens to be the only one in this area who my insurance approves. Sigh.
So- there is my short list. Sorry to vent, but hey- that's what happens sometimes!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I stand corrected
So- along the same lines, it is hot here today. There is a difference from yesterday though- there is a great breeze today. I can hear the birds in the yard singing, and the scent of the breeze blowing through the slider is dreamy! In my younger years I would be out in the yard getting the first summer sun burn out of the way- but I have gotten smarter now. I have been blessed with (what I think) is beautiful red hair, but cursed with the pale skin tone to go with it. The dad and the girl are the lucky ones as far as skin type goes and they are out washing cars in their suits. The boy and I are confined to the limits of our walls til evening. To complicate things more, the boy is allergic to an ingredient in the sunscreen. We have not pin pointed exacty what it is yet, but I suspect coconut oil.
In closing, I was awarded some mommy time earlier today and was able to venture out and hit the thrift stores and a couple yard sales. I did very well and picked up some very cute dolls for my new collection, stay tuned for pics!!
Friday, June 23, 2006
I'm melting, and other news
Someone, anyone, turn down the freakin heat!! My goodness. I would rather be cold. I Love snow, and wearing all my sweaters. I miss my favorite clothes, and I miss wanting to wear clothes. This weather makes me want to don a suit and crawl into the kiddy pool in our backyard.....not a pretty picture! What's so bad you ask? This isn't the worst of it, tomorrow and Sunday are gonna be scorchers.
Alright, I'm done complaining. I do like sun, but I prefer a spring time sun with a breeze. This sun is to much for me and my pale skinned son. My daughter aready has a great tan and can not burn, lucky her. I'm not sure who the genious is who built these houses in our neighborhood, but he left out the AC. I grew up in a much hotter climate with no AC, and that was a crime. But I was a kid, and there are many pictures of me walking around and sleeping nekkid.....that was the life!!
In much more inportant news. I have a crochet project!! Seriously! Here is my new baby
This is the Southwestern Ripple Afghan from the book pictured. I purchased some Sugar'n Cream in nice brown colors with this ghan in mind. I didn't buy enough however, so this might turn into a payday to payday project.
As much as I enjoy crocheting this I just might have jumped off the deep end as far as lengthy projects go. I have a craving to finish things now, and this one is gonna take some time. I think I should have stuck to book marks or something easy for beginners. I do notice (wink wink) that my speed is picking up and I have finished a row before my mind catches up with my fingers. That's a great feeling too! Baby steps. Maybe I'll join the crochet Oympics with ya'll next time. There I go getting ahead of myself again!! LOL
So there you have it. The first WIP. Yay for me!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Recipe Wednesday
I thought I might attempt to post a recipe to share on Wednesdays. It's important to note that I do NOT claim to be a good cook. I can bake however, and that is why you rarely will ever see me in photos. I tend to eat what I bake, and this recipe is sadly no exception.....
Introducing Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies....Yummy
** These photos are of a double batch**
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup shortening
1/4 cup stick margarine or butter (I use spread, oh well)
1 large egg
1 1/4 cups flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
(My taste buds are already starting to beg for a cookie!)
1. Heat oven to 375.
2. Mix sugars, PB, shortening, margarine and egg. Stir in flour, soda,powder and salt.
3. Mix well and add Choc Chips.
4.Shape in to 1 1/4 in balls and place on ungreased cookie sheet.
5. Bake aprox 9 to 11 minutes until just golden.
6. Let cool 5 minutes on sheet before transferring to cooling rack.
These cookies have the ability to make my husbands knees buckle. A mere mention of them and he turns into a 5 year old at Toys R Us. I hope that you will enjoy them as much as he does, and as much as my kids enjoy making them with me.
If you make them, please let me know what you think!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Thanks to all of you who followed me to my new area in the web from the old one. Sometimes you just need a change, ya know?
It's still me, just in a less cluttered enviornment. Hopefully a semi simple page will help me be more excited about blogging. I have a ton of stuff to update you on and I will be sharing it over the next week. Which brings me to my first blog related goal...
- I will post something every day....I will, I promise (I think)
So stick with me here okay? I'm sorry if you have to update your links, I know that can be a pain, but I do appreciate it!!
Enjoy the new stuff, and look forward to seeing more of me.