I seem to be all jumbled up in my head right now. Maybe that is a result of waking up as the bus was leaving without my daughter who was still asleep next to me. Not a good thing. I was rather impressed with myself though, the old me would have said screw it and rolled over. The new improved version said "Holy sh*t, get up, get dressed, lets go"
10 minutes later we were in the van on the way to school. Late, but as the saying goes, Better Late than Never. She made it and the boy and I went through the drive through at McD's. I bet that that fact will really impress my new personal ass kicker, I mean trainer. Speaking of that......
I had mis understood the nice, nice woman on the phone the other day. The apt I was dreading had nothing to do with working out, it was all paperwork. I was all worked up for nothin! Figures. Now I am waiting for a personal trainer to call and set up my first apt to start my journey. I did go in on Friday and ride the bike, that was actually easy......It's not supposed to be easy right? I was a bit sore the next day, but I felt nothing while there. Well I felt the sweat....Eewww.
So- other news. The boy and I have been having great fun together during the day. I seem to have turned over a new Stay at Home Mom leaf. We go to the park, we read stories, we paint. I think that I have always been a good Mom, but lately I am keeping us busier, which equals more entertained, which equals happy, healthy Mom and Boy. Good for me, yes?
Oh! Something else- I am having surgery! Me, having surgery, means being a patient at a hospital, which I hate. Something I hate worse is gall stones. Especially the ones that are 10 mm and will not pass without trying to kill me. I soulda listened to my beloved doc when they started back when I was pregnant. Oh well, lesson learned. My doc, whom I love, called and had remembered that I did not want surgery before, he thought he was in for a challenge by talking me into this. He was really surprised when I said "Sign me up" he actually laughed and asked if I was serious. LOL, then he reminded me this was his recommendation 2 years ago......yea yea...Better late than never....or in this case, dead. By the way, Gall stones HURT!
So there ya have it, a whole lotta nothin for you to read today. I'll try to do better tomorrow.
One more thing- I have learned that I hate embroidery. Who wants a pillow case with pretty flowers to finish?