I found this Meme over at A Good Cup of Coffee which I found through Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. The Meme I did yesterday was fun so I thought I'd get this one out there too.
I tag Sue and Lucy. Have Fun!
Name 3 television shows you watch on a regular basis.
1. One Life to Live
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Sunday Football
What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?
When I was stationed in Oklahoma there was a huge tornado that came through when I was on leave. I got called back to find virtually nothing left. On the medic side of it there were 2x4's in peoples legs, we gave tetanus shots out like crazy. Life wasn't the same for a long long time.
Main Course
If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be?
Ireland...I have always wanted to go there.
What do you usually wear to sleep?
Lately sweats and a t shirt. It's getting cold here at night!!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
el numero dos

Two Names You Go By:
1. Christy
2. Baby
Two Things you are wearing right now:
1. Sweats
2. band-aid
Two Things you would want (or have) in a relationship:
1. soul mate
2. humor
Two Things you like to do:
1. Bake
2. Play with the horses
Two Things you want very badly at this moment:
1. Van repairs, for free. :)
2. water...I'll be right back.
Two Things you did last night:
1. Made a meatloaf from a new yummy recipe.
2. Watched Grey's Anatomy
Two Things you ate today:
1. Chicken
2. 3 Milano cookies. YUM!
Two People you spoke last to:
1. The Hub
2. The Boy
Two Things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Working on the current craft
2. Hanging out with the horses.
Two Longest car rides:
1.Virginia to Washington
2. Washington to Virginia (done it 3 times!!)
Two Favorite holidays:
1. Christmas
2. Turkey Day!
Two Favorite beverages:
1. Mocha no whip
2. Water
Two Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Medic, USAF
2. Wife/Mom
Two Movies I would watch over and over:
1. Ever After
2. Open Range, Young Guns. Westerns.
Two Places I have lived:
1. Washington
2. Texas
Two of My Favorite foods:
1. Doritos
2. Mexican rice
Two Places I'd rather be right now:
1. That spa Hub took me too.
2. On a trail ride.
Two People I think will do this meme:
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Car trouble and a handy helper
So we headed out to leave for little mans testing yesterday afternoon and guess what happened? The MFing car wouldn't start. How can that happen on such an important day?? It's just my luck I suppose.
The battery has been dying regularly recently and it's caused all kinds of problems for us. We need a new one obviously, but the timing for that is horrible.
I popped the hood and went inside to call Hub and the appointment to let them know. I came back outside to find this.
Little man trying to jump the van with his big boy bike. HOW CUTE!!!
I had placed the jumper cables there before I went in, but still. Way to precious! He was saying "I fix cah mommy"
This kid just surprises me everyday!
We made the appointment, we were late, but we made it. I'm glad I stuck with it, I was ready to reschedule and not deal with it but it turned out alright.
Little man had fun playing with the teacher while I talked to the Lady in the other room. When the speech therapist emerged my kid was glued to her and she was obviously fond of him too. She mentioned that she understood next to nothing of what he was saying but that his personality was so great. That's my boy!!!
We know he qualifies for the speech, I knew that all along. I suspect he will get other services also that will help him with the everyday aspects of life. I'm so proud of him!! And proud of me for not being reduced to a pile of tears on a particularly hard day.
The battery has been dying regularly recently and it's caused all kinds of problems for us. We need a new one obviously, but the timing for that is horrible.
I popped the hood and went inside to call Hub and the appointment to let them know. I came back outside to find this.
Little man trying to jump the van with his big boy bike. HOW CUTE!!!
We made the appointment, we were late, but we made it. I'm glad I stuck with it, I was ready to reschedule and not deal with it but it turned out alright.
Little man had fun playing with the teacher while I talked to the Lady in the other room. When the speech therapist emerged my kid was glued to her and she was obviously fond of him too. She mentioned that she understood next to nothing of what he was saying but that his personality was so great. That's my boy!!!
We know he qualifies for the speech, I knew that all along. I suspect he will get other services also that will help him with the everyday aspects of life. I'm so proud of him!! And proud of me for not being reduced to a pile of tears on a particularly hard day.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Testing 1...2...
This morning is a huge day for us. Little man goes in for the school districts version of all the testing required to get him into speech therapy again and all the other services he needs.
The testing is BS. He was tested in July back before we moved. This is just their attempt to try and not qualify him so that they don't have to make room for him.
I just pray I have the right words to stand up to them, to tell them that they are wrong. I need the courage to stand my ground and demand the services that I know as his mother he needs.
I just don't want to wade through all the bull shit to get there.
I better go get my mud boots on.
Wish us luck!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Remember when I posted about Fostering the Kitties? Remember how I said it was their policy that you could not adopt one, or um, 2? I swear I was telling the truth. Those softies changed the rules on me and now look what happened....

We are now a home to 5 humans, 2 horses, 1 dog and 3 CATS.
Holy crap!
But they sure are cute, and the kids love em. And they make Hub and I laugh hysterically with all the kitten stuff they do. Serves me right. No more fostering animals. period.
Unless however you have a horse that needs me......
nope, nope, can't do that either......
We are now a home to 5 humans, 2 horses, 1 dog and 3 CATS.
Holy crap!
But they sure are cute, and the kids love em. And they make Hub and I laugh hysterically with all the kitten stuff they do. Serves me right. No more fostering animals. period.
Unless however you have a horse that needs me......
nope, nope, can't do that either......
Monday, September 24, 2007
I'm bored. b.o.r.e.d
Hubby has duty tonight, he won't be home until tomorrow.
The kids are playing nicely together (wow) I don't want to go in there and jinx that.
I can't find the card reader for the computer to share new pics with you, that has really bummed me out.
I think I've reached the end of the internet. It's all blah now.
I might just have to go clean something. That's a drag.
Hum maybe I'll blast some Keith Urban from the computer and clean while I drink a nice cold beer....
Cleaning it is.
Hubby has duty tonight, he won't be home until tomorrow.
The kids are playing nicely together (wow) I don't want to go in there and jinx that.
I can't find the card reader for the computer to share new pics with you, that has really bummed me out.
I think I've reached the end of the internet. It's all blah now.
I might just have to go clean something. That's a drag.
Hum maybe I'll blast some Keith Urban from the computer and clean while I drink a nice cold beer....
Cleaning it is.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Keith, sexy sexy Keith!!

Oh wow! I am reaping in the after glow of a fabulous concert we attended on Saturday night. Keith Urban was in town, and I thought it might be something fun for the Hub and I to do. I got the tickets off of Ebay about a month ago, the tickets had been sold out for quite awhile so I was lucky to find some that were reasonably priced. We had Mom come over for the weekend to watch the kiddos and allow us to be comfortable enough to travel up to Seattle and not worry our brains out. Thanks Mom!
We stopped in for dinner on the way up and had a nice chat. It's amazing what you have stock piled up in your brain to talk about but can't for one reason or another. You sit down and it's quiet and you (well, I) just start flapping my gums with all the crap I have been thinking/pondering/wondering etc. Poor guy. We had some great conversation. I just can't tell you how happy I am to have the love of my life back with me. I am feeling pretty whole again.
So from dinner we headed up to the Seattle Center and after a minor parking snafu we found a place that was free. Free is good! The walk was not bad either. How is it that we lived in Seattle for nearly 2 years and we didn't know all the fun stuff that Seattle Center had to offer? There is a carnival that is there permanently I think. There is also this fabulous fountain that you MUST come see if you are in the area! It's so nice to watch and it likes to play tricks on the kids who run up to it. We sat and watched with the crowd and oohed and aahed with each change in the pattern.
Anyway- We made our way in and found our seats. PERFECT SEATS!! I can't believe how lucky we got! We were in the first level off the ground, dead center, and could see everything! Well we could see everything when the ladies in front of us weren't standing....
Here's an interesting experience. Our seats were right next to a pair of women who were, hum, overflowing....lets leave it at that. I took the seat next to them to avoid making Hub uncomfortable. While waiting through the opening act I thought I was being, um you know, rubbed on my shoulder, by her....I'm sure the look on my face was priceless when I turned to Hub and asked "Please tell me that's you" Thank Goodness!
So I told you that one to set you up for this one. Looking back it's rather funny. Right before Keith started, the lights were off etc, A man and wife were entering the aisle. The man trying to maneuver his way around the overflowing lady nearly lost his balance. Somehow in order to regain his balance and avoid falling backwards into the stands below he reached out and grabbed his only life line, my left tit. Yes folks, I was molested at the Keith Urban concert. It wasn't just a quick grab either. He held on until he had regained his balance and started moving once again toward his seat. I was in shock, and I am sure that he realized where his hand was as he was moving past and releasing his grasp he whispered an "I'm sorry". EEEEWWWWW. I had to have the Hub give me a squeeze so that I wasn't feeling the mystery mans grope the whole night..
Gosh, this is long. I hope you are still reading. I'll just end with this. The concert was amazing. Keith plays an awesome electric guitar and just goes to town between songs. He also is astoundingly HOT!!!
Sorry to keep you. I make sure the next one is short to make it up.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
I told ya so
I said I would, so here I am. I'm blogging. Imagine that! Let me first tell you that the Hub is home safe and sound from the ship. It was so nice to see him and know that most of this stress is over. We are so glad to have him back!
Secondly, we have gone through some MAJOR changes recently. Huge, major changes. Changes that have kept me away from my computer at night. Things that have boggled my brain and stressed me out, tested me on all sorts of levels. I made it. We made it and we are alive and breathing. Thank the good Lord for that!
This biggest change is that we have moved. I happened upon a rental ad on Craigslist and called. No particular reason to call, but the thought of moving had been on my mind to get closer to Hubs new job. Everything about this home turned out to be perfect. You know when it's meant to be all the energy just lines up and falls right into place? (Mom will love that line!) Everything went fairly smoothly, if I do say so myself. I'm pretty proud of me that I made it through!
This house is our dream home. It is like going from the Motel 6 to a 5 star luxury hotel. We are about 1/4 mile from the road on a beautiful winding driveway, there is aprox 15 acres of quietness, room for the horses, it just goes on and on. The house is huge, it looks rather empty right now. I am so happy here! There is a HUGE jetted tub in the master bath that I swear I could live in. Luxury.....yum.
So anyway- we moved before Hub returned from deployment, and in hindsight I am glad we did. He didn't need to return home too all that stress. Living here means actually getting to see him on weekdays and no long lingering trips to the barn. We are the barn right here, and that is super! The little gal will miss her horse lessons there but I hope to hire someone to coach her along once we are a little more settled.
So we are here and getting settled. Life is starting to calm back down and I am really missing my connection with my bloggy friends. I miss the crochet group and hope to be back involved with that again soon, but I miss reading and commenting and sharing the laughs with all of you.
Drop a line, say Hi. I'll be back with the rest of the news soon. I hope soon means tomorrow, but ya never know. Here are some pictures of us at the local carnival recently. We all had a blast!!
Secondly, we have gone through some MAJOR changes recently. Huge, major changes. Changes that have kept me away from my computer at night. Things that have boggled my brain and stressed me out, tested me on all sorts of levels. I made it. We made it and we are alive and breathing. Thank the good Lord for that!
This biggest change is that we have moved. I happened upon a rental ad on Craigslist and called. No particular reason to call, but the thought of moving had been on my mind to get closer to Hubs new job. Everything about this home turned out to be perfect. You know when it's meant to be all the energy just lines up and falls right into place? (Mom will love that line!) Everything went fairly smoothly, if I do say so myself. I'm pretty proud of me that I made it through!
This house is our dream home. It is like going from the Motel 6 to a 5 star luxury hotel. We are about 1/4 mile from the road on a beautiful winding driveway, there is aprox 15 acres of quietness, room for the horses, it just goes on and on. The house is huge, it looks rather empty right now. I am so happy here! There is a HUGE jetted tub in the master bath that I swear I could live in. Luxury.....yum.
So anyway- we moved before Hub returned from deployment, and in hindsight I am glad we did. He didn't need to return home too all that stress. Living here means actually getting to see him on weekdays and no long lingering trips to the barn. We are the barn right here, and that is super! The little gal will miss her horse lessons there but I hope to hire someone to coach her along once we are a little more settled.
So we are here and getting settled. Life is starting to calm back down and I am really missing my connection with my bloggy friends. I miss the crochet group and hope to be back involved with that again soon, but I miss reading and commenting and sharing the laughs with all of you.
Drop a line, say Hi. I'll be back with the rest of the news soon. I hope soon means tomorrow, but ya never know. Here are some pictures of us at the local carnival recently. We all had a blast!!
*Everyone wave at the camera*
Gonna Do it......
I really am. I'm gonna blog tonight after the kids are asleep. Aren't you so excited?!?
Now I need to go figure out where to start. Hum...
Now I need to go figure out where to start. Hum...
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