Thursday, November 30, 2006


I have a *huge* day planned for Monday and I look like Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer. Gotta love hormones, huh?

Monday, November 27, 2006

Snowed in!!!

** I realize that some of you get snow every year. If you do, you will find this story silly. We maybe see an inch every year, so this is a HUGE storm to us!**

I love this! I LOVE Snow! Even being snowed in with no power doesn't really bother me. It bothers the rest of the family horribly, but not me.

Here are some pics of the events in the Pacific Northwest! YAY! I LOVE Snow!

Here is Hub decorating the railing for Christmas. It's about 5:30 or 6:00 pm.
Here is the same railing at 7pm. Lots of Snow!!!
This morning the kiddos got out to have some fun! Little gal and her Dad had a snow ball fight, while little man had fun trying to shovel snow.
We got power back after a cold night without. To be honest, no tv or computers on is perfect! Means we actually have to talk to each other. Hub just said "I think that 19 hours with no power sucks!"

What a weenie! LOL

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Gobble Gobble

The little gal came home on Friday with a project. As a family we were to cut out this Turkey and decorate it for the holiday. The directions made it clear that this was a Family project, which was pretty exciting for me.
We cut out the Turkey and then headed out to the craft store for some decorations. Little gal wanted the "coolest" Turkey in her class, (That starts this early?) so we spent quite some time in the store picking out the "coolest" decorations.
We ended up with some pastel colored feathers, sparkling orange sticky paper for the beak and feet. Some plaid paper for the pants and some googly-eyes.

We rigged up the shirt to open and display what the squirt is thankful for this year. What a tear jerker! Here is what she wrote on her own:

Horses, Toys, Grandma in Heaven, Oma, turkey, my cat and dog, my cousin Katie, and family.

The grandma in Heaven part really threw me for a loop. It's hard to know that this is our first official holiday with out her here!

Here is the finished project. I love how it turned out!

As an added bonus - She returned home from school Monday exclaiming that she had the COOLEST turkey!!! YAY!

Monday, November 20, 2006

A meme

I found this blog randomly this morning. Her site is beautiful so I stole her Meme. (That's how I compliment boggers!)Check her out, and then do this Meme.


1. Closest red thing to you: This years Christmas Cards
2. Last thing to make you angry: Nasty so called friends
3. Do you have a temper: Um, I have red hair
4. Are you a fan of romance: Not really. I've found it can get corny.


1. Closest orange thing to you: The "Publish Post" right under where I am typing this.
2. Do you like to burn things:What? No.
3. Dress up for Halloween: Nope, hard enough to get the kiddos ready.
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person:Yes, and I always get walked on.
5. Do you have anything against redheaded people: HAHA. no
6. Are you usually full of energy: Sometimes. Usually after coffee.


1.Closest yellow thing: Yellow on Sons shirt.
2. The happiest time[s] of your life: The farm on*my* horse, Gramps watching me out the window. USAF graduation ceremony!
3. Favorite holiday: Christmas Christmas Christmas
4. Are you a coward: Piss me off and find out.
5. Do you burn or tan: Burn first, then tan the rest of the summer.


1. Closest green thing to you?: My wallet
2. Do you care about the environment: Yes, although I don't understand all the issues.
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now: no
4. Are you a lucky person: In some ways yes.
5. Do you always want what you cant have: No, but I have some things in mind for goals.
6. Do you like being outdoors: YES
7. Are you Irish: One would think, but no. (am I mom?) LOL


1. Closest blue thing to you: Navy Mouse pad.
2. Are you good at calming people down: Depends on the situation.
3. Do you like the sea: I like 'looking' at the sea yes
4. What was the last thing that made you cry: The onion for the Manicotti last night.
5. Are you a logical thinker: I'm a thinker, not so sure about logical
6. Can you sleep easily: I love sleeping, it doesn't always come easily.


1. Last purple thing you saw: HAHA, my undies.
2. Like being treated to expensive things: Maybe, it depends.
3. Do you like mysterious things: Nope, be cut and dry please.
4. Favorite type of chocolate: The kind that makes you fat.
5. Ever met anyone in royalty: Nope.
6. Are you creative: yes


1. Closest pink thing to you: A receipt
2. Do you like sweet things: I love sweet things
3. Like play-fighting: with hubby, but he always puts his *junk* in the way. Then he cries. :)
4. Are you sensitive: apparently not because I just called my husband a big baby
5. Do you like music: love it


1. Closest white thing to you: Lots of papers
2. Would you say youĂ‚’re innocent: HAHA, no.
3. Good at keeping the peace: Depends what we are talking about
4. Do you like to play in the snow: Definitely
5. Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentist: HATE the dentist, but I get drugs so it's okay.

1. Closest black thing to you: This thing I'm typing on.
2. Ever enjoy hurting people: never. Some people do???
3. Are you sophisticated or silly: Silly for sure
4. Would you like to go to space: Nope that's not on my list
5. Do you have a lot of secrets: Maybe
6. What is your favorite color: Brown, green, purple depends on my mood
7. Does the color you wear affect your mood: No, I don't think so.

Are you still here? WOW! Thanks! Now it's your turn!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Flickr Friday

Inroducing Flickr Friday!!

From now on (until I forget) I will attempt to write something interesting about 1 picture that I have on my Flickr Badge to the right. It will be random, as I will use the one that happens to be showcased at the very moment I glance over at it.

This could be interesting!

Flickr Friday #1
WOW! That was Lucky!

In this photo the kiddos are on their perch in the kitchen. This spot on the counter is the favorite spot for them both as they get a birds eye view of all the yummy stuff being created!

On this day I was busy making Little ladies Birthday cake, and they were busy licking the beaters. Did you all ever get to do that? I remember getting to lick the spoon all the time when I was small. I am truly glad that my children show interest in cooking/baking! I never cared, and have been paying catch up nearly all my married life! :) *enter wink to hubs here*

This perch also happens to be the only spot I can get my son to sit still long enough for a quality picture. They say that Little Boys are always on the move, and that is certainly true of this one. If he sees the camera, you have already lost the battle. He's a sneak approach only kid.

So there you have it!

I'd love to learn more about the photos on your Flickr Badge!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Something H*U*G*E

Boy- do I have some super-fantastic news to share with you today!!

This news is better than super-fantastic! It's once in a life time H*U*G*E!!!

Not one H*U*G*E thing, but 2!!! TWO!!!

Possibly the best entertainment experience EVER for me!

Sorry, can't share what it is. I don't want to jinx it! But I'm doin' the happy dance!!

I'm so excited!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

WIP Wednesday

Ahh, good 'ole Wednesday! Work in Progress Wednesday to be exact.

This week I have one 1/3 finished ripple afghan as a gift for Hubs. Most likely I will still have it next week too! But hey, progress is progress even if it's slow. I started a nearly identical 'ghan in cotton way back when. Cotton? What in the blue moon was I thinking???

Here is the version the right way. I like it a lot better!

I can't seem to get a good pic. Just know that it looks good. K? Trust me! I don't toot my own horn often!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Get all your giggles out now folks, this is a true and painful story.

Most of you know that I had my Gall Bladder out 2 weeks ago. Some of you know of the unusual pain I was in afterwards. None of you know the result of such pain. Until now.

The Surgeon who operated was nice enough. We chatted and laughed at the first apt. He was personable and down to earth. Over all nice guy. The day of surgery we chatted. He said things like "Nothin' to it" and "You'll bounce right back" but nothing to the effect of "Your rib will bruise and you will not be able to wear a bra" I needed to know that fact prior to surgery!

I didn't know that. My boobs are very aware of the bruised rib, and they are holding a grudge. They will not allow me to wear a necessary item in my view. I need to wear a bra, especially when leaving the comfort of my own home. Heck, with the DIL (Dad in law) here I feel the need to keep one on at home too.

I can't comfortably wear a bra and it is driving me nuts!!!

It doesn't matter if there is an under-wire or not, it makes no difference. I've even tried a sports bra. No Luck.

What do they say when men don't.... Ahem "Strap themselves in?"

Free balling?

That being said. I suppose I am stuck with "Free titing it" until said rib feels better. JOY!!


Just dropping in for a minute here.

Has anyone switched to the new Beta? Do you like it? What are the differences?

Also - New pics are in the Flickr badge on the right. Mostly of the kiddos. Aren't they cute!!

What do you think of the Christmas decorations on the page? I couldn't wait, but I hope it's not an eye sore. I didn't want to make it to busy. ya'know?

Okay- that's all for now peeps. I might be back at little mans nap time. We'll see how it goes.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

A good Friday!

I couldn't resist sharing a new pic of the girl and her cat!

3 day weekends really mess me up, it feels like it should be Sunday. It's so nice to have 1 more day to look forward to before the hub-bub of the work week begins.

Yesterday the Fam and I went to the mall to pay a visit to the cool playground and to have lunch. We entered in the food court which we normally don't do. I am so glad that we did though, or we would have never decided to try something new. Right inside the door was a eat in place called Ruby's Diner. You actually enter and get seated instead of just returning to the center where everyone else is.

Ruby's was decorated like a 50s Diner, with the waitresses in short one piece numbers with a old- school headband. The best part were the 2 large trains circling over head. Why the best part you ask? It kept the boy occupied, and thank goodness it did, because we all got to eat in peace for a change!! It was heaven. The food was great too!!

After the good eats we headed to the play ground for some way-to-crowded fun. We didn't last long, but the kiddies had fun. That's what counts. We stopped at Toys R Us on the way out for the little big Girl to spend her bday money, and that was that. We made it outta there just in time to hit rush hour on the way back, which provided a nice nap for those not driving!!

Crafts accomplished....

A Hat.

Thanks to the Hub for modeling!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Enough bad news

How 'bout some good news for a change? I could sure use it.

First on the list. Hub and I are once again better. Not cured, but on the high road again. I can't possibly put into words what Joy that brings to my soul! Thanks for al the well wishes.

Secondly. I have been being crafty, as one would hope due to the title of this space. I promise. I will no longer bore you with how I am doing. I will just bore you with what I am doing! ha!

So for starters. I have nearly all of the ornaments completed for the swap that I am in over at CAL Pals. (I truly hope that they still remember me, I haven't been over there in forever.) I need to figure out how to tag them with my name. Something not to involved would be perfect. I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I do!

Here is a pic of the pinata that was such a pain. It turned out good, but as I said before; I can't wait to never make another one!!

I also have many Christmas gifts in the works right now. One for Hub, one for both Grammy's, several for my Mom. (She seems to be default, if I make something she gets it) I need to think of something homemade for the Dad in Law. He's a hard one. hummm.

So- I can make a difference in my own stress level. I CAN and I will. The slate is clean, time to create a more positive outlook. Thanks for hangin' through the sludge. You rock peeps!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A small glimmer

YAY for good news!!!

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out......well on second thought, it might knock some humanity into you........maybe not.

Sia effin nara

(get it?)


Seriously peeps, I can't take one more thing going wrong. I just can't. Call me in a space at the Mental ward if I do. It is totally inhumane to be dealing with this many and amount of stress at any given point in Life. The kick in the gut? Right when I think that it can not possibly get any worse- I receive another kick in the gut. To top it all off, I can't even have a good cry. This bruised rib kicks my ass when I start.

Don't worry. I don't believe in ending the game myself. Nothing to fear there. I will be here til God decides otherwise, but their might not be much of me left in here. Seriously. Someone take me on vacation.

Sorry about al these downers peeps. I just need a space to vent.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

A bit of Sunshine

It's been rough here emotionally and physically lately.

I had my Gall bladder taken out on Wednesday, and had an over night hospital stay with that. I'm pretty sure that they bruised a rib while they were in there, it hurts like the dickens! It is getting better (thank gosh) and now I don't have any surprise gall stone attacks to fret about. That is great!!

Anyway- with all the drama, I needed a bit of sunlight in my world. This pattern was perfect for a little pick me up!!

Cute huh! And....It's crochet in rounds!! YAY!!